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"Hi, I'm Tylee Feunds!" I tell the desk lady.

"And?" she says clearly irritated that I had interrupted her reading of 50 Shades of Grey.

I resist the strong urge to roll my eyes, "Today is my first day, and I was told to talk to you."

"Name?" She says right after I told her!
"T-Y-L-E-E F-E-U-N-D-S," I spell it out for her.

"Okay Tylee, here is your schedule for now. The bell should be ringing soon.

I raise my eyebrows, as the bell rings. I sigh and slowly start walking to find my locker. After all, if I am late, at least I can blame it on getting lost.

The school colors here are blue and orange. Ugh, my old school was blue and gold, much better.

My brother Tyler, yeah I know cliche twin names, and I moved here from California. We are both 18, so we can technically own a house. We had originally lived with my grandma. She had taken us in after our parents had been killed in a car crash. Drastically, grandma had a heart attack and has to stay in a nursing home for the elderly. Instead of staying in California to help, she made us move to a different state, so we could 'experience more'. In my opinion, I think the heart attack messed with her brain a little. So Tyler and I moved here, out of all places. He would be here with me 'experiencing', but he just had to eat bad sushi last night and was puking everywhere this morning.

I finally find my locker, 458. It was blue. Almost as blue as my eyes, and compliments my chestnut hair. I open the locker and stuff my lunch and notebooks inside.

The lockers at my old school, Prarieview, were much larger, so I had to really squeeze the door shut. The hallway is now empty as I breathe a sigh. I don't really like to be noticed. In fact, if I could, I would be invisible. I just don't get why people want others observing their every move. Noticing whether they are drinking water or soda so that the next day they can drink the same thing. Okay, maybe that's a little extreme, but that is what it feels like.

I check to make sure no one is creeping in the halls and make my move to Anatomy, room 43B.

It takes me about ten minutes to find the classroom and when I do, I take a huge gulp of air into my system and walk in. As soon as I did, at least twenty eyes were on me. I dart my eyes to the teacher and swallow. The teacher had to be in her twenties. She had blonde hair, brown eyes, and had to be around 5'6. She came over to me, and me, being 5'11 , towered over her. "Can I help you?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah, is this Anatomy? I am new."

Her facial expression changed from frustration to joy, "Oh! You must be Tylee? Very nice to meet you! I'm Ms. Lerinerphink, but people usually call me Ms. L. You can sit wherever it is available."

"Okay thank you," I say relieved that she didn't make me talk more than I had to. I look around and see one open seat in the back. I start to walk to it, when a hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. I immediately whip my head in the direction of where the hand grabbing me came from.

It was a boy, really really cute too. He had the deepest brown eyes as he stared deep into my soul. What was that feeling in the pit of my stomach? I look away quickly then look back, "Can I help you?"

He looks at his hand still grasped onto my wrist and quickly pulls his it back, "No, sorry I thought you were somebody I used to know." He looks back at the bored giving me the cold shoulder.

I look away and go to the seat behind this kid. Every so often, I would catch him glancing over his shoulder at me. This person was really freaking me out. Then when Ms. L gave us an assignment about the bones to do independently, this guy looks back at me once again and I was tired of it!

I tap his shoulder, "Do we have a problem? I don't understand why you keep looking back at me."

He gives me as smirk, "Most girls would pay to get me to look at them."

"Well it bothers me, so will you not?"

"What's your name again?" he says ignoring my request.

I roll my eyes, "Tylee. Yours?"

"Shea. Hm, interesting. Why did you move?" He dares ask.

"What, am I being interrogated?" I say biting my tongue.

"You're the one who keeps answering," he says proving a point.

I sit back and ignore his questions as I start my assignment.

The bell rings shortly after. I silently thank the Lord as I gather my new textbook and other supplies. I mosey my way through the hallway. I realize about 8 minutes later no one is in the hallway and that I am completely lost.

I spend a few more minutes trying to find my way, when I just give up. Who needs English anyway?

"Why aren't you in class?" I tense as soon as those words were said. I spin around and don't see a teacher, but a fierce looking Shea.

"I thought you were a teacher!" I say punching him on the arm.

He looks at me and pouts, "Ouch! That hurt!"

I roll my eyes, "Why aren't you in class?"

"Didn't feel it," he says putting his hands in his pockets.

"Hm, that makes you very eligible for skipping," I say shaking my head.

He suddenly stops. I stop a little ahead of him, "What?"

"Come on, can we stop pretending?"

I look at him confused, "Stop pretending what?"

"Stop it Talia, why are you even back?"

"The name is Tylee, and I was never here in the first place."

He takes me by the shoulders and pulls me close to him. By this point I am VERY uncomfortable.

"Talia, I could feel the connection from the moment you had walked into the room. I know it's you and it isn't safe for you here, why are you back?"

I look up at him about to say something but he cuts me off, "You know, it doesn't even matter. I am just happy your back." He takes my face while I am still looking up at him. He looks me in the eyes and once again, I can't move. He leans in and places his lips on mine.

For some reason, when he was kissing me, all I wanted to do was keep this moment for ever. I could feel my knees weak as I sunk into the kiss more and more.

It took so much effort to bring myself to reality and realize that this was a stranger, and I was making out with him. I pull away, and look at him with wide eyes, "I don't know who Talia is, but I'm Tylee, and I don't know what THAT was, but it wasn't meant for me."

I turn around and leave as fast as I could, leaving Shea alone calling my name.


First chapter- Check!

I really really really like the start of this book so far and hope you do too! If you liked this chapter, vote, comment, and follow for more! I will update every week(probably some random day every week). :)

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