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As I am leaving, I don't look back. Really, I almost got through the whole day without being extremely noticed, until now.

I pass by a blur of the orange and blue lockers.

"TYLEE!" Shea yells from somewhere behind me. I keep going.

Truth be told, it wasn't that I was embarrassed that we kissed, I was more scared. I mean sure I have kissed before, but I have never felt the same way during. It was as if I knew this person. Like I have experienced it before in a different form, but I don't know what.

The part that freaks me out the most is what snapped me out of the kiss' hypnotism. A flash. I can't be for sure, but I think someone took a picture...

My conspiracy was confirmed when I see a couple making out in the entrance way. The girl pulled away from the guy when she heard me running down the hallway thinking I was a teacher, "Hey! You are the new girl right? The one making out with Shea on your first day!" 

I grab my stomach and keep going. I push the doors and flee into the parking lot. By this point, everything was dizzy and hazy. I finally find my blue Corvette, open my door, start the ignition, and get the heck out of there.

After driving for awhile and getting lost, I stop at a Dunk and Donuts.

After my breathing slows to regular pace, I get out and get some food to numb the butterflies in my stomach. It didn't work. AT ALL. Which is super weird considering Dunk and Donuts always cures any symptoms I have. I end up taking my chocolate mocha to go and just go home.
I park my car slug to the already open door in which my brother was standing.
"Why are you home?" He asks with a nervous twitch in his eyebrow.
"Bad day," I say slowly. "Why are you so out of breath?"
He looks behind the door and looks back at me too quick, "I ran up the stairs too quickly!"
"Bs, we don't have stairs," I roll my eyes as I open the door wider to see a girl wrapped in a towel.
"Really Tyler? We have been here a day and your already screwing with people while blowing off school?" I say super mad.

"Hey! I'm not the only one who skipped school today! How many classes did you even go to today? 1?"
Then the girl speaks, "Hey Tyler! Who is this girl and what gives her the right to just come barging in like this?"
I look at Tyler and then laugh my head off.
"What's so funny you low ass  bitch! You think you can just wipe my boyfriend away from me?"
I give Tyler the 'seriously?' Look and then glance back to her, "One, your not his girlfriend, Tyler doesn't commit. Two, I have all the right to come barging into this house considering I own it. And three, I am a low ass bitch to him. Cause I am his TWIN SISTER!"

The look she gave after my little rant was priceless. And she kept looking from me and Tyler and then books it out of the house.
"Really Tylee? Did you have to be so mean?" Tyler asks me making me roll my eyes.

"Did you hear a word about what she said to me? And I don't like the girls you date, they all hate me. I mean I don't know why, your just my brother, it's not like we are dating!"

He looks at me and dies with laughter. "They don't like you because you don't understand the phrase bite your tongue."

"Because you have a new girl at home like everyday, and I'm tired of it! And now, there isn't anyone to clean this house up after your nights," I say pointing to the whip cream puffs scattering the house. Why? I don't want to know.
"Whatever. Back to you, why was your day so bad?" Tyler asks me ignoring the fact he has to clean.
"Well it was fine until this guy kissed me," I say while Tyler sprouts a confused facial expression.
"And why is that such a bad thing?"
"It's not horrible, but you know I don't like attention. Also I don't usually go around kissing people, unlike you. Not to mention that not only I liked it, but felt actual emotion behind it."

"Whoa." Tyler says giving me a look, "Who was the guy?"
"His first name was Shea?" I say thinking back.
"WHAT? SHEA SHEMA KISSED YOU?" Tyler shouts at me, while looking at me with huge eyes.
"Yes? How in the world would you know this person?" I give him my sly brow.
"The girl from earlier was going on about the kid. Apparently he doesn't kiss anyone. He used to have a serious girlfriend, I forgot her name.." He says thinking.
"Would it perhaps be Talia?" I say narrowing my eyes.
"YES! Anyways he had this gf and then one night after they had a fight, she ran out of his house and got stabbed by somebody. Apparently this person had tracked her down and did this. She survived but moved far far away to be safe. No one has heard about anything since. And Shea hasn't had a girlfriend since, only bangers." Tyler finishes.

"Oh my god." I say covering my mouth in shock. "He called me Talia today, and asked me why I came back. He must have thought I was Talia! I must look like her or something."

"It's a possibility I guess," Tyler says looking
down and then laughing, "although if people saw you two making out, your defiantly  going to be noticed."

"Greatttt," I say slamming my head into a pillow, "What am I going to do tomorrow?"

"Just face it head on." He says patting me in the head before leaving to go who knows where. Probably to make a sandwich.

"BUT I DONT WANNA!" I shout after him.

"YOU HAVE TO!" He shouts back with his mouth full.


"BUT I DONT WANNA!" He repeats.

"YOU HAVE TO!" I repeat right back.

The sigh I hear from the kitchen signals that I have won this round. 
There was a knock on the door but I don't bother answering it. It was only probably a person trying to sell something so I just went upstairs and hopped in the shower, internally thinking I could maybe wash away my problems. Oh boy was I wrong.

I turn off the now cold water. I really like to think when I'm in the shower so usually I already have a 30-40 minute shower, but because of events, it was super long.

I grabbed my pink towel before stepping out of the shower. I brushed my hair and left it to air dry. I already kill my hair enough when I straighten it in the mornings, so I hate drying it also. I look around for my pjs which I could have sworn I took in the bathroom. I roll my eyes, I will just have to go to my room.

I walk into my room, the bathroom and my room are connected, to see my brother and SHEA on MY bed. Tyler looks away, "Woman put on some clothes!"

I look down at my towel and then back at them. Shea is staring at me with intensity. I don't know this kid but something inside me feels like I always have known him.

"Um can I meet you BOTH downstairs?" I ask looking at Tyler very angrily.

"Sure, but bring some sweetness with your cupcakes." Tyler says back at me. Half the stuff he says doesn't make sense so don't ask me.

Tyler gets up and walks out as quickly as possible.
Shea on the other hand, walks towards me and looks at my face examining it.
A facial expression of recognition appears on his face for a second and disappears.
He shakes his head and turns to walk out, not taking his eyes off me.

Boy, this is going to be a nightmare.

Okay Chapter 2!
Tylee, played by Leighton Meester, pictured above!
These first few chapters are going to be a little short, but as the plot thickens, so will the chapters! More mystery in this chapter!! What do you think the connection between Tylee and
Talia? Don't be shy and share your opinions!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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