Chapter 2

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I don't remember getting here by any means, but now I'm standing above the gray, icy waves, crashing against each other and sending a cool breeze up into my face. I stared into the gray for a bit, almost deciding against all of this, but then I looked around me and all I saw was gray, the only color I know, and I've always linked it with depression, so for obvious reasons, all hope was able to escape my mind.

I was torn between myself for a moment, then I remembered all the horrible things that had happened today and I stepped up onto the ledge of the bridge. It were almost as if I could feel the waters submerging me already and I took a deep breath as I started leaning forwards.

"Stop! No!" I heard someone scream in my ear. I suddenly felt a warm, tight grip on my wrist and the waves below, looked different- they had, color. I turned around and suddenly I was face to face with the man in color. Everything around me appeared to have some faint color to it, but there was one thing in full color and that was the man who was stopping me from falling off the bridge at the moment. The man pulled me towards him and I fell of the ledge and into his arms.

"I-I..." I stuttered, trying to speak the millions of words that rushed into my mind at that moment. Before I could fathom any sentences, the man set me down on my feet and pulled me into a tight hug and I didn't even realize I was sobbing uncontrollably until I backed out of the hug and I was staring right into the eyes of the man in color.

"You're eyes... they're-" he started, trying to tell you something that you had heard a million times before.

"Yes, they're gray, and ugly, and broken. Listen I really need to talk to you-" you were cut off my the man in color.

"No, you're eyes are beautiful. How are they broken?" he asked, slightly confused.

"I've been colorblind my entire life. Black, white and gray are the only colors I know but for some reason when I see you, you appear in vibrant colors that I don't even know the names to and everything around me looks slightly colorful as well, very dull but not gray. Who are you?" I asked, thinking about a million other questions but knowing that I had to know the answer to this one first.

"My name is Brendon Urie, I'm in a band- Panic! At The Disco- we aren't all that popular though," Brendon said gripping your hands and knowing that this is the first time you've ever seen color.

"But what's so special about you?" I asked, realizing that that probably sounded a bit offensive.

"Not sure, but your eyes are beautiful," Brendon muttered to himself.

"You already said that," I muttered back.

"It seemed worth repeating honestly," Brendon said as he searched my eyes for something, I didn't know what but he was definitely searching.

"Oh... thanks, no one has ever really paid attention to my eyes except doctors," I said all of a sudden feeling very shy and remembering I had social anxiety.

"Okay, I wanna help you so just tell me what to do," Brendon said as he let his hands slip away from mine and the colors started to fade from around me.

"Don't-" I stopped myself from finishing the sentence because although I really wanted Brendon to hold my hands, we had only just met and I figured it would be awkward for him. It was too late though, Brendon heard the beginning of my sentence and squeezed my hands, even tighter this time and the colors were even more vivid around me. I let out a small gasp and put my hand up to my mouth as more tears started to slip down my face in awe.

"C'mon we can go back to my place and figure all of this out," Brendon said as he let go of one of my hands but kept the other gripped tightly in his hand and started walking you off the bridge. Before I even realized where we were walking, I was in a taxi speeding down the street.

"W-wait a second," I said as I slipped my hand out of Brendon's and the colors of the taxi faded around me but Brendon remained vibrant. "I-I don't know you..." I said as Brendon tried to reach for my hands again and I pulled away quickly. His expression dropped and he looked sad but I couldn't just go home with some stranger even if they did let me see colors. I thought about how badly I wanted to meet Brendon just hours ago when I was chasing him down the sidewalk but now all of it seemed like a bad idea. The taxi came to a stop at a red light and before I could give it a second thought, I opened the door then slammed it closed and started running down the sidewalk yet again.

I heard Brendon call after me but I ignored it because I just needed to be alone. I ran and I heard Brendon shout at me again and I could hear his feet slapping against the pavement so I knew he was catching up. My vision got spotty but I just ran faster. My lungs were burning and then my legs gave out from underneath me and I went tumbling down the sidewalk. I stopped rolling and I saw a concerned face above me, but my vision was so blurry and my head hurt so badly,

I couldn't identify whose it was.


Alright! Two chapters! Woo! I am really enjoying writing this for you guys and if you haven't already check out my Brendon Urie imagine book which is where the idea for this story originated. I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!<3

P.S. if anyone could design a better cover for this book I will use it because I'm just using the wattpad covers app. Please DM me some submissions and I'll dedicate a chapter to the creator of the cover I use. Thanks guys! <3


Life In Color: A Brendon Urie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now