Is this the end of us? It cant be.. but, Maybe?

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Still Henry POV

I couldn't deal with this, not over me. "CHARLOTTE MARIA BOLTON YOU CANT!-" Her father was cut off. "Danny, maybe we should let her, I mean you kniw what happened between us? She wouldn't even be here if-" Her father cut off her mother. "No we wont tell her that story it-its different, plaus I would never want that happening to Charlotte at this young age, it would ruin her shes only in high school." He said worried. "Well so was I, and look how Charlotte tured out, shes wonderful and smart as ever, we are hard working parents and we took care of her." Her moher argued. "Are you trying to get our daughter preg-" "ENOUGH!" Char yelled. "Dad, dont say a damn word, Mom, explain, what are you talking about, start from day 1." Charlotte demanded. Her parents nodded. "Honey its time we told her." She said. "Told me what?" Char asked. "Sweetie. When your mother was in 5th grade, I met your father. We grew up and we liked each other. In high school we decided to date. Then your grandma and grandpa had to move. For a better opportunity of our life. Not because of a job. And I loved your father ad he loved me, we didnt want to let go. So the first time around. Grandma and grandpa let me live with your dad, and we ended up, well lets just say I was pregnant for most of my senior year of highschool, with you. Heres the crazy part, Henry, your mom was also pregnant and gave birth a day before me. I was there when she did, because me and you mom, were besties. And thats the truth and Charlotte we don't wat that for you." Her mom cofessed. "But mrs. Bolton wih all do respect, I would never even think about doing such as until your daughter and I are married when the time comes." I stated. "Its like your a spittin image of me boy." Mr. Bolton said. "I said the same thing but, that very night we did it. And before you say, 'No I really mean it' ive already beat you to it 14 years ago." He said. "Sir I can see where your comig from but on acout if I'm not ready to be a teen parent and I love your daughter too much to even think about that, that even if we did, ide use double protection and I would ever put Char through that!" I said. "Boy! You were thinking, you know how I know, you said he magic words, 'even if we do' those are the magic words. You were planning." He laughs. "Sir I assure you i-" I started. "Henry, darling, your a wonderful young man and I couldn't thank you enough for taking care of my daughter but Charlotte also has to be away from you. Sweetie, if you two ever do get married, wich ide actually prefer, you two have to know how to separate, because although always being there for eachother is great, its also unhealthy if your never alone. For instance, baby, Charlotte what if you wana sleepover Cloes or have a girls night out, you wont be able to do that because you'll miss dear Henry too much. That can ruin yor friendship with Cloe and ayone else. And Henry, think you're gona have a guys night, well nope, Charlotte will be on your tail and you'll miss her too much also. Believe your father and I, we have been your position we let it happen weve gotten to close. Ad we couldnt be alone until we were forced apart by something we would never want you to be apart of. So I'm sorry but Charlotte must go." She finished. She talked for a long time.
"Im sorry Charlotte, I'm sorry we ever became friends I'm sory I let you get to close ad now its my fault." I said. "Henry no it it isnt yo-" "stop Charlotte, it is and now I need to shut you out. You need to forget me and move on, we cant be too close, forget me, forget us, start a new life." I shouted. "Henry how could you you said you loved me." She stumbled. She was starting to cry again. I couldn't watch. "Char, I'm doing this because I love you. Now go. Goodbye." I turned away from her. "Henry Hart, this is the end? Thats the end of us? No more Chenry??" She cried. "Yup!" I simply stated as if this was nothing, but I had a plan, im not sure how it will work but I have one. "Henry Hart, don't ever talk to me again, I hate you." And with that Charlotte slammed the door and took off. I cried I knew she didt mean those words one bit but they still hurt.

Charlottes Pov
I was on my way home crying because Hery and I were over. Thats the end of us.

BOI THIS IS CRAZY! DONT WIRRY THIE IST THE END. tis just another huge Cliff hanger, folks if you dont like crying depending on how sesitive you are, you wont like he next Chaper, its great but its sad. Until next time. Byeeee mke sure to comment, I love reading comments.

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