homicide liu 8

105 3 0

Sully-stop it jane STOP
Jane-no everyone needs to know my baby is growing up into a man

Sully-i dont care just stop it

(Jane runs twords ben who just entured the room.)

Jane-come ben i have to tell you something

Ben-me too its so exciting

(Run into a nearby closet and lock it)

Ben-so what did you want to tell me exactly

Jane-did you knowthat last night liu went out and was drinking

Ben-drinking what apple juice or orange juice

Jane- alcohol like alcohol

Ben-like the one for injures and stuff or beer


Ben-O¤O. No way

Jane- yep and it was while he was killing

Ben-so then i also know something juicy

Jane-spill or something will happen

Ben- i went to liu's room and i saw something in there

Jane-what what did you see benny tell

Ben- there was a girl in there and she was touching everything there

Jane-like a human girl or one of our house hold


Jane- he's growing up to fast. something must be wrong here

Ben-i go talk to him see whats wrong with him

Jane-okay but dont hassle him we dont want to brake any thing

Ben-k /[¤¬¤]> yes mam

Ben-hey liu come here

Liu- y-yes.

Ben-can we talk

Liu-sure what do you need

Ben- in your room

Liu-um no can do i locked myself oit of my room so i have to go get the extra key sorry

Ben-okay then just follow me

(Walks to his door and removes mat from floor)

Ben-pick out your key so we can go in your room

Liu-why do you have a copy of everybodies keys

Ben-someone told me to do it so we dont bother him that much

Liu-oh so um(looks at the keys and picks his)

Ben-(snatches key away) yay now lets go

Liu-okay 'shit im busted'

They both open the door to find no bodies

Ben-what were did it go

Liu-what are you talking about

Ben- the person who was taking your stuff

Liu-what!how did the person look

To be continued

I know i suck face book
Chuwaquita aponte

Chuwaquita~chan out. Wop

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