Chapter 3

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(Mike POV)

We ran up the hill and we finally got to the pine tree. It was big and it had a golden sheep's fur on it. I was about to step closer to see it when a dragon came around the side of it and almost but my head off. U was about to attack when Bitch grabbed my arm. "Don't attack him. He is our guardian of the Golden Flease."

We got past the dragon and then I saw the camp. I was a big place with lots of different colored cabins. There were so many cabins. I saw a lake and what looked like a place to sit down and eat. Right in the middle of all the cabins was a giant camp fire. It stood at about 10 feet high. On a hill off to the left was a giant statute of what looked like a girl holding a baby in one hand and a shield in the other.

We walked down the hill and there was so many people doing all sorts of stuff. I saw like 12 people in a forge. About 30 or 40 people climbing a rock wall with what looked like lava pouring down it. There was about another 30 or 40 people training with swords, spears, hammers, and all other weapons. In total there was about like at least 200 people here.

As we walked past a few people stopped and looked at me with serious faces. Some pointed and whispered stuff I couldn't hear.

We walked for a bit longer and then we got to a 3 stories cabin with a porch. We walked up the steps and Butch and Rachael walked inside.

Me and Isabella stood out side waiting for them to return. I asked her "What is this place?"

"This place is where kids like use come and train to live out in the real world. We always get attacked by monsters. All the time." She said without even looking at me. She just looked at the campers that walked by.

Butch walked out of the Building with a guy in a wheel chair. He looked a little mad but happy as well. He looked like a man around 50 years old. But his eyes shown lots of sadness in them. He looked at me and smiled. "Welcome Mike. I am Chiron. We were expecting you. That is why these three came looking for you." He moved over to a table with some chairs around it and we sat down.

"Now Mike. I must ask. How have you lived so long by yourself. Have you had any training with anything you see here." Chiron went from happy to serious in like a second. I looked around and I didn't see anything that I trained with. I shook my head no. "I have never trained with any of the stuff you guys do. I have been on the run from my foster families since I was 7 and monster started to attack more often when I was 12. I have killed a few of them but sometimes i don't know how. Like last night. I was getting chased by a big black dog.."

"Hellhound" Chiron said.

"Yeah, hellhound. Anyway it pounced on me and I fell back with my hands up to protect myself in anyway. Then i heard a really loud boom and then the monster was gone." It felt good to talk about my crazy life to other people. Most people don't believe me but it seemed like they understood what I was talking about.

Butch got up and got cups for everyone. The looked like those old fashioned cups they serve in bars way back when. Mine was empty but everyone else was already drinking from there's. Chiron saw me and said "Ask for any drink you can think of and the cup will produce it. Non alcoholic of course."

I gave him a skeptical look. Then I looked at my cup and said "Mountain Dew." Then the cup started to fill up with it. I was so shocked I almost forgot where I was. Then I said "code red" Then the drink turned red and I took a sip. It tasted just like the drink.

When I got done downing about 4 cups and asked for another, Chiron turned to Butch and said "Can you got a check on your cabin mates. Oh and its time for you to clean the stables. Its getting rather dirty ."Butch gave a grunt then got up and walked off to do his job.

Rachael entered the room and sat down next to Chiron. "Well now we can get down to business. Mike. Do you know who your parents are?" I was thrown of guard with that question. It was a bad subject to talk about for me.

"Umm.. Well I didn't know my parents. My mom died right after I was born from a freak explosion and i have never seen or heard from my father." I tucked my head deeper in my trench coat as my eyes started to water. I'm not going to cry in front of people.

Chiron put a hand on my shoulder. "I sorry for your lose. But your mother was mortal correct?" I nodded.

Rachael was about to speak but Isabella stopped her and shook her head.

Chiron spoke "Isabella. Go and take Mike to the Hermes cabin and get him situated there. Rachael and i need to talk." She nodded and I stood up with her. We walked out and saw quiet a few people running to there cabin with armor, weapons, and for some reason some toilet paper.

Isabella sighed. "Hermes cabin is going to prank someone too. Lets hope it's not one of our cabins." I gave a little laugh.

The a question popped in my head. "Hey what cabin are you in?" I asked.

The question must have shocked her for a second. The she said "I live in the Aphrodite cabin. I'm a daughter of Aphrodite." She said it with such pride.

We kept walking for a bit and we got to the cabin that those people holding all that stuff entered. It was a plain wood cabin with nothing special on it besides the sign of Hermes.

Isabella turned to me. "Just go in and tell Travis and Conner that your a new camper. They will show you around and what to do. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood." And with that she walked off to her cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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