She felt pretty
Until they came
They told her different
And she believed
She doesn't feel pretty
No, she feels ugly
Monsters dont live under her bed
They live in her head
They tell her things
Kind of like you
She believes every word
She thinks to herself
They're right, I am worthless,
I'm not pretty, I'm not skinny enough.
What they say is true
She thinks to herself
The world would be better, if I just wasn't here
No one would miss me
No one would care,
But little did she know
Someone did care
And when she left that night
Thinking it was for the best
Knowing she would be happy
She let herself go, She held on to long
She finally broke.
But little did she know, someone loved her just like she was
And when the boy heard
His heart broke for the girl
Who he loved with all his heart
He then realized in that moment
She was to broken to be fixed
She went somewhere that she could finally be happy.Made By Me