My Challenge

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Disney Quote Challenge. Start when ever you want, but I will have a contest starting June 1st. Results will be on June seventeenth. Just comment your quote and which challenge it goes to. No repeating quotes. Prize is I will dedicate your favorite chapter to you.Good Luck! (It mostly is luck, because we all like different things :)

Day 1: Choose a quote from your favorite Disney movie
Day2: A quote from your favorite disney heroine
Day 3: A quote from your favorite Disney hero
Day4: A quote from your favorite pixar character
Day5: A quote from your favorite pixar movie
Day6: A quote from your favorite Disney sidekick/ bff
Day7: A quote out of your favorite Disney song
Day8: Most emotional Disney quote
Day9: The Disney Quote you say the most
Day10: The most romantic Disney Quote
Day11: A quote from your favorite villain (Disney or pixar
Day12: Quote that was super inspirational(Disney or pixar
Day13: the funniest Disney Quote
Day14:the best pixar quote
Day15:the best Disney quote

You can still share your quotes if your not competing. Thanks, have fun!

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