Going To Magcon Part 2

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Jacob Pov
Wow Annie is Super hot and cute but one girl who stalking me is Liv (Liv is gonna be Annie rival because she said mean things to Annie) I don't like her because she awkward so it's meet and greet Annie and Hayley is dancing for Johnny both of them is Super good next is my turn its call sweatshirt Annie was cute when she dancing after that it's family photo time we have so much fun Annie is teaching Johnny a backflip I kinda jealous so after that we all go eat

Annie Pov
Jacob Kinda Cute so I teach Johnny how to do a backflips after that we go on dinner and I gonna made a vlog

Annie: Hey guys it's Annie so I here with Jacob Sartorius
Jacob: hello
Annie: we're eating dinner right hay
Hayley: yep
Annie: So we're just chilling and here the question of the day which challenge we should do with the Magcon Bros
Blake: I want to do the pop tarts challenge
Annie: okay guys bye

After that it's the next morning the Magcon Bros arrive at are room and we start the challenge call pop tarts challenge

Annie: hey guys it's Annie and I here with
Hayley: Hayley
Annie: with a special guest the Magcon Bros sup guys
All the boys: hi
Annie: we're doing the pop tarts challenge
Hayley: basically we eat some pop tarts we have 21 pop tarts
Jacob: we need to eat them and guest the pop tarts
Cameron: who every got right get one point
Annie: and we have special flavour so it's score 2 point
Blake: let do it

After we done me Hayley and Jacob won all the boys are going have a pie in the face

That it guys sorry it's short because I in school for learning journey bye guys

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