Chapter One- Cussing And Hitting.

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-No one's POV-

It was a typical Saturday in the Stylik home, Louis was playing with his toys on the living room floor, and Zayn and Harry were cuddling up on the couch.

"Watch me Papa!" Louis squealed pushing his car. "I see buddy." Zayn smiled, "I hungry daddy." Louis mumbled crawling on Harry's lap. "Okay well let me go make us some lunch then." Harry said lifting Louis off his lap setting him on the floor.

A few moments later Harry came back with three bowls of macaroni and cheese. "Here you go Lou. Watch out its hot." Harry warned sitting back down passing Zayn his bowl.

"Ow fuck that's hot daddy!" Louis screeched.

"Louis William Stylik!" Harry yelled.

Harry sat his bowl down on the coffee table and picked Louis up, "You need a little timeout mister." Harry said Louis raised his hand and it connected with Harry's cheek. It didn't hurt but it did leave a pink hand print. "Louis!" Zayn yelled Harry sat Louis down and shook his head sadly leaving Zayn and him to talk.

"Why did you hit daddy!" Zayn asked shouting, "He made me mad.." Louis mumbled now obviously feeling bad.

"I'm sorry Papa." Louis whispered.

"Well now your getting punished." Zayn said pulling a kitchen chair out sitting down and throwing Louis over his lap.

Zayn pulled Louis' jeans down leaving him in his spider man briefs. Zayn raised his hand and brought it down on Louis' tiny bum making him cry out. "Owie! I'm sorry Papa!" Louis cried.

"You really hurt daddy Louis!" Zayn yelled in between smacks making Louis clutch his leg and sob.

In the living room Harry heard the whole thing, it was breaking his heart into tiny pieces he wished he could go in there and scoop Louis up and hold him; but he knew he had to be punished.

After a total thirty smacks Louis was a sobbing mess, tears and snot dribbling down his face.

Zayn pulled Louis up and brought him into a hug. "Sh. Sh baby its all right. Sh. Papa's gotcha." Zayn soothed rubbing his back.  "I'm sorry Papa!" Louis hiccupped. "You have to go say sorry to daddy not me." Zayn said lifting Louis off of his lap. Louis stood in front of his daddy his head down, "I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean it." Louis whispered his face still sticky with tears.

"C'mere Boo." Harry said crouching down and opening his arms, Louis smiled and ran into his arms wailing apologies into his neck.

"I'm so sorry daddy." Louis mumbled into his neck. "Its all right babe." Harry comforted he felt Louis' body go limp he looked at him on his neck, he was fast asleep. "Someone was tired." Zayn chuckled picking Louis up and laying him on the couch covering him up with a blanket.

"Sweet dreams boo." Harry whispered going in the kitchen to go clean up with Zayn.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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