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It must be Xavier's clone.

They looked exactly the same with their broad wide shoulders, sexy muscly arms, dark brown hair that brightened their blue-grayish eyes and an equal smirk that had not even a single difference between them.

Only his clear pure skin and his clean face made him differ from Xavier's dark shades.

"Come-on Dolly, wouldn't want you to get cold out there."He said as Xavier pushed me through the door with his hand on my waist.

"Is-is that your-"

"Petra, even the dumbest slut would understand that we're fucking twins honey." He said sarcastically taking my coat of me.

"Brother, she looks like one of those super-skinny brainless models not a former member of the League.Are you sure she can even punch a pussy-cat?"

"I'm right here you son of a bitch."I yelled and just attacked him from the back.Now look, I usually don't care when I get insulted but someone needs to have fucking guts to say that I can't fight.I'm pretty sure that I can beat the shit out of both of them.

"It's all right Dolly, fighting class is not till later."He said looking at me amused."Oh, and I'd prefer it if you called me Rafael, my mom's really not that much of a bitch."

"Aw, did I insult your mommy, Rafael."I told him playfully as he glared at me as much as my brother does when I steal his golden gear.

I'm not only a former member of the League, but being part of my brothers gang 'The eye' has taught me how to manipulate any situation that i'm in.

"You better stop with the insults, I think I was clear when I told you what was going to happen if you carried on."Xavier said grabbing me by my arm and whispering into my ear.

Fucking asshole.

"I thought you wanted me because of-"

"Listen,honey your authenticity and your beauty is not the only reason i want you but I won't explain myself to you.You're mine, and you've got to obey me."Xavier said, with danger and fear in his voice as i felt the tops of his cold fingers inside my skin.

What did Xavier really want.

"Now, I'll be gone for a while, until then, my brother will be babysitting you.Do behave."He said as his juicy thick lips brushed against mine.With his one arm against my waist i felt another sudden brush against my ass as he walked towards the door, slowly disappearing.

I then turned around only to be shocked once more to find his twin leaning against the will with a smirk saying 'oh baby, you'll suffer'


Hours and hours of constant training must have an advantage when it comes to 'fighting class' with the Devil's brother.

And here he was shirtless in front of me waiting for me to attack first as he stared into my eyes.To be honest, this class was mostly for him because Petra Summers teaches doesn't get taught.Especially when she's the head of the League.Of corse, they don't know that.Not even her brother did since it was recently confirmed.Her father had left the throne to her, and that confused her even more to why her father gave her up to the Xavier.

Things just didn't add up.

"Dolly, are you going to-"but before he could utter another word I demonstrated the perfect flying back kick right on his face making him fall to the the blue old mattress beneath them.

He stood up angrily with his fists in front of him ready to attack.I watched his movement slowly and carefully as he attended to do the hook punch but unfortunately missed.A trained boxer, must be.

He hands moving everywhere he moved closer and closer towards me as I felt a pain on my ribcage as he kicked me.I hadn't fell but I was slightly unbalanced.Pissed out of my mind, I closed my eyes for pure concentration and I took a few steps back before I run towards him, with full speed, doing the double jump axe kick right on the top of his head.

He might be a large structure but it made no difference to if I could take him down or not.

"Fucking bitch."He said still lying down on the floor.

"Clearly, I'm not the bitch here."I said laughing slightly as I watched him moan on the floor.

"Shut up, you whore.Soon it'll be over."He said as he attended to stand but failed when i kicked him once more.

"What will?"

"My brother's legacy.He has kept me in the dark for so long but not anymore.Now, now I can use you, and if he looses you, it's over."he said."I might not look as horrible and cruel as he does but the darkness in me is larger, stronger."

"What are you talking about?"And before I knew it everything seemed to go slow motion after he had stabbed me with a 2inch needle on my upper arm.

What was happening..

Hey guys:))Hope you liked this chapter..it was different and mysterious.And i finally introduced you Rafael?Do you like him haha?He's a little too similar to Xavier.

Anyway thank you for reading:)Don't forget to Vote&Comment <3

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