Unknown Light

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I rode my bike to my house as quickly as I can.
I needed to talk to my friend about something I saw in the woods. Once I got there, I grabbed my computer from the coffee table, and ran to my room.
I sent a email to my friend Jacob, telling him to meet me in Skype.
He started to come up in the screen wearing black shorts and a green shirt.
"You won't believe what I saw," I said excitedly.
"What did you find...?" I could tell in his voice he was still half asleep.
I went to my camera, plugged it into my computer, and started to upload the video to it. After a few minutes, I sent the video to my friend.
We started to watch. The camera had night vision on so everything was in green tinted.
A bright light flickered into the distance, and quickly disappeared. The camera started to blur out.
"What was that," he said unmoved.
"What do you mean?" I asked him.
"That could've been anything. That's nothing interesting," he said.
"Okay, then. Tomorrow - 12:00 - we will go explore," I said, determined.
We both logged out of Skype. I got some well-needed rest for the upcoming exploration.
At 12:00 I was waiting for Jacob. I had both a flashlight and my camera.
Down the sidewalk I saw Jacob in his thick jacket. It made sense, after all - it's freezing this time of year.
"All right. Let's do this." Jacob's teeth chattered while he talked. Jacob was never a fan of the cold. He was born in Florida, but him and his family moved here for a better job.
"Okay, it's over here."
As we were walking through the forest we heard the hoot of owls and the crunching of leaves underneath our shows.
Clouds started to darken up. It's going to rain, I thought. After a few minutes the rain started get so heavy we couldn't even hear each other.
Lighting struck the ground. I heard a light dash behind us. I quickly turned around.
"I think we're being followed," I try to say, but the rain is so loud I'm not sure he heard me.
"Alright; this place is giving me the creeps," he nervously looked around as he spoke.
We started to walk back. We don't remember passing by a big boulder, though. I heard more dashes.
We started to run. The more we did, dashes became more often, followed by a dry, low chuckle.
We ran and ran, my legs started to get sore.
We saw the boulder again. We knew we were running in circles.
No matter how many turns we took we all ways end up back near the boulder. My legs were more sore than ever. My heart beating faster and faster.
We see a light in the distance, so we run towards it.
We heard a strange voice behind us. "Tick, tock, goes the clock. You can't run forever."
I saw a shack made of wood and metal. There was a candle under a porch with a roof perched above it. Jacob and I barged in there. There wasn't a lock but a plank lodged up against the door.
We placed it there so the door won't open. Every window was ether cracked or boarded up.
We grabbed the candle as our only light source and tried to keep it lit.
We were hearing laughter all around and someone banging on the door.
"You know, you can't stay in there forever," the same voice spoke. A dry, low chuckle came out.
We were cold and hopeless. We tried our cellphones but no reception.
We were sitting ducks, and he was playing the waiting game.
We were soaking wet, and even worse, unarmed.
The fire on the candle slowly dropped out until you couldn't see your hand two inches in front of your face.
Total darkness now. We had no light, still noises came from outside.
Again, a bright light came again lighting up the room for a second. We saw a face in the window, but we couldn't make out the features.
Again the light came blasting, this time the floor was full of blood. Once again this happened, but this time, an organ floated in the blood. And another one. And another.
This kept happening until bodies came. My heart was racing at 400 miles per hour. It felt like my heart was going to explode.
I blacked out.

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