The Smoker

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"Tamalon is just any ordinary city in any ordinary state," I recall. Me Kevin Fowl a normal sand headed blue eyed tall vanilla skinned 13 year old sane boy.

"Its a magical town infested with magical things," says Skylar Thomas my red headed green eyed tall 13 year old insane best friend.

"If its magical how come i aint seen no magic yet." I said with inferior.

"Maybe we ain't seen no magic yet because they don't want us to see no magic yet dummy. Maybe it ain't time to see no magic yet." Says Skylar. " Ain't no magic and i ain't no dummy, stupid." This sentence led into a moment of silence.

I could see how Skylar could be so frustrated he always believes the stuff his grandfather tells him. Especially this time Skylar's Grandpa Dean told him right before he vanished, that magic would soon rule in a matter of time. Evil or good, and only the chosen ones would be involved. What ever that meant, kinda spooky if you ask me.

"There is magic  and I'll be the one to prove it and you ain't go tell me otherwise. "Skylar says now greatly frustrated.

"Gone head , prove it. I still say ain't no magic, and it ain't never go be no magic. Your Grandpa Dean was just a crazy old liar, and yourself believed so you is a fool.

I hadn't realized what I had said until I got a blow right in the mouth, and a crowd appears chanting fight, fight, fight, fight. It was all broken up by Mrs. Cush, the lunch lady.

When I got home I had been examined by my mother.

"Dear what happened to your lip," She asks all concerned.

"Ain't nothin happen ma. I ran into dis pole at school."

After that retarded lie, I suppose she just leaves me alone, but still gives me one of those......yeah right looks.

I should be fed up with Skylar, but I deserved that blow. What I said wasn't right.

I can here my dad's loud music as he pulls in the driveway.

Kevin!!!!!! Come down here." His voice booms with power.

The sound of his voice makes my spine slither. I go downstairs step by step cowering in fear. I get to the last step. My dad motions me with his finger to come here.

"So what happened to that there lip." He asks.

"Ain't noin happen I ran into this pole.

"Ain't noin happen you ran into a pole........DO YOU THINK I'M A FOOL BOY!!!!

I've never saw my dad in such rage. His voice was so strong and intimidating it almost knocked me over.

"No ain't no fool!"

"What you say boy!"

My dad leaps for me. Then all of a sudden a blue ball flew across the room towards my dad and sent him flying. My mom runs out of the kitchen, and it seems in about to seconds I was in the attic. She whispers something in my ear but i can't here her. As i was about to ask her to repeat, but in seconds of hesitation she was gone. 

10 minutes pass as I'm scared for my life. The only thing I can hear is booming, explosions, and my heart. I couldn't believe that no one came over to see what was wrong or called the police. But for once in this era of panic i start to think straight. Why did a blue ball hit my dad? Why did time past really fast in the hands of my mother? Nothing made sense, and nothing came to mind on why this was happening. One thing did come to mind, but that couldn't be true. Magic isn't real. Is it? Skylar said magic would rule in a matter of time good or bad, and right now i think i'm witnessing the bad.

Now im in the scariest ahd hardest situation of my life. My father could be dead, and my mother could be next. I start to think about taking a peek of what's happening.

I decide to look. As i open the door it makes this lood creaking sound, i panic and fall. Out of reflex i hop right to my feet. I see the most terrifying thing. My mother laying on the ground, dead, and some kind of creature standing over her. The creature turns around to look at me. At the sight of him I turn around and run in my room.

I hide underneath my bed. I lie their my heart pounding by the second. Then.....I see something, a shadow. A shadow through the crack of my door. I forgot to lock it. I hear it coming. The smoker coming closer and closer. Then it stops. I could hear it rumbling in my parents room lokking for me.

"Kevinthh, there is no needthh to be afraidthh!"

Its voice sounded like a person who has smoked to many cigaretts.A terrible monster, a disgusting looking monster. If that thing thinks im coming to it its a fool. I have to think fast. I run to my window. When i get both of my legs out i feel the most disgusting thing. A slimey hand on mines. The monster has me, The Smoker has my hand!

It was the nastiest thing i ever felt, and the coldest.

"Kevinthh, where do you thiknthhh your goingthh!"

A smirk appears across The Smoker's face. Terrified and helpless i have to find some sort of defense. I fiddle around in my pocket and feel a pen inside. I grab it, and stab The Smoker. As he screams in pain he snatches back his hand off mine, and i fall. The last thing i felt was a hand, but this time it was warm.

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