The Broad Way Leads to Destruction

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The Broad Road that leads to destruction came into existence as a result of Adam’s sin. Adam and all his race began down this road when he disobeyed God and was removed from the life sustaining trees of Eden (Genesis 3:23, 24). Most of mankind are on this road. A baby is born on it with inherited sin (Psalm 51:5). After thousands of years of human history, this downward Broad Way has grown increasingly slippery with sin, and mankind has steadily lost its power of resistance. In spite of recent medical advances, few survive to their hundredth year.The problem is that we belong to a dying race which is “blinded” by Satan, “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Many have tried to live their lives for the benefit of mankind. Their efforts have been commendable, but the lasting fruit of their efforts has been limited and temporary. Sometimes the best efforts of men in science and technology have even been harmful. The pesticide DDT helped control malaria and typhus, but added contaminating poisons to the environment. Automobile transportation is a blessing to so many, but it is also the most common cause of accidental death in America, averaging more than 43,000 fatalities a year. Atomic energy has been useful in medicine and power production, but the same science produced atomic bombs. The 20th Century brought remarkable advances, but also produced nearly 200 million deaths through war and genocide.

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