Attempts of Man to Govern Himself

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We make no attempt to excuse our rebel race, but we can sympathize with its vain efforts to govern itself. Even these “beastly” governments have been better than no government—better than lawlessness and anarchy. Even when well intentioned, man generally cannot accomplish the good he wishes. But God has permitted man's efforts at self-government as an experiment, to show that without instruction from God, and when subject to the influence of Satan, man cannot achieve his goals.

The object of the nobler governments of man has been to promote justice and well-being for the people—but success has varied through the centuries. Noble efforts for just leadership have certainly been tried. Good laws and courts of appeal have been established to protect domestic and commercial interests. But, under Satan’s influence, these have been infected by the baser elements of society. When justice is ignored, and the selfishness and corruption of tyrants prevail, costly revolutions and wars are the inevitable result.

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