Doomed to fail?

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Some succeed while others fail,
A foreboding feeling that is ripping at the psyche,
Negativity begets more negativity...
Obstacles presenting themselves at every single moment,
Like some anti-energy that works to forces people to become resourceful,
Yet as time flows - life goes in hills and valleys and it is in the darkest moments that we really appreciate the good times,
Failures aren't low point in life but moments in where we are judged on who we are and how we will overcome challenges,
Small mistakes seem so huge at the moment they occur but later become the fundamental backbone of new character we now posses,
Wisdom can easily be given but most choose to learn it in the hard way,
It isn't that we fail that makes us human but that we pick ourselves up and continue on the bumpy road of mortality,
So let's massively...but just remember that the lesson we learn from the mistakes will lead us to success,
It's the eternal balance that we fail at something's and succeed in other venues,
Not doomed to fail just willing to accept the hardship to reach the paradise,
Hope renewed!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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