twelfth entry

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personal thoughts

it's a sunday.

i wake up to

the feeling of

someone tapping me

on the forehead.

sleeping on the the hard ground

doesn't do much justice to my back.

so i wake up,


i open my eyes

and see strands of your pink hair

resting on my face.

"t-taehyung?" i say to myself.

"why didn't you tell me about this?"

your voice sounds urgent

and it doesn't have a pleasant sound to it.

i sit up correctly and rub my eyes.

"i'm sorry," i mutter.

i notice your crystal blue contacts

and admire how pretty your eyes look.

you groan.

"kwon areum."

your voice is stable

and it has a sense of authority to it.

"areum, why did you never tell me...?" your voice breaks.

"that your father kicked you out?

i went everywhere looking for you."

i feel my tears rising.

i made you feel upset.

if you were with seohee,

you would never feel this way.

suddenly, you hug me

and i feel my heart stop for a moment

before it continues to beat softly.

i don't close my eyes and i admire your touch.

is this what love feels like?

being with you?

even though i know what i'm feeling is wrong?

you let go and let me look at your eyes again.

kim taehyung,

why do you make me feel this way?

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