Smut part 2

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A/N: this is where shit gets spicy. Just a warning.

John slowly leaned up and kissed Alex, he could feel him unwind some. Even though the kiss was (what seemed to be) a quick one, they could both feel the pure lust and want for Each other. Alex broke the kiss, looking into johns eyes. "John...I can explain..." John laughed a bit, and smiled softly. "Babe, there's no need to explain. Don't worry abo-" he was cut of mid-sentence as Alex took him by the collar and smashed his own lips onto his lover's. This kiss, unlike the first one, was firey and passionate, Alex even attempting to run his fingers through John's thick, curly hair. John broke away, somewhat shocked, but mostly excited. "Woah there babe, you sure you want t-" "Yes, I've been waiting so, so, long long for this." Alex interrupted him again, looking at him lustfully. John took the chance and moved the cover off of Alex, his hardened member springing to life. "Aha, I see someone is glad to see me~" he purred, running a single finger up his partners throbbing erection. Alex gritted his teeth, looking up at John. "N-nnGH...fuck babe." John took this as an invitation to go farther and slowly start to pump his lover, leaning up and capturing him in a heated kiss.

A/N: ok but imagine if John had a tongue ring and he uses it to his advantage on Alex. Like,, just imagine that.

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