Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"This is it," Casper says and slaps on his turn signal.

He turns the car into a packed parking lot. Dozens of people are making their way to the large, brick building at the far end of the lot. It looks pretty plain from the outside. The entrance is lined with flashing, white bulbs, and a florescent sign hangs above the door with the words 'Enter Here' written in bold, block letters.

"This place is sketch as hell," I say and lean forward to get a better look.

"I'm sure it's not like the clubs you're used to," Casper laughs. "But out here? We can't exactly be picky."

There isn't a single club in California that looks as plain as this one does from the outside, except perhaps a sleazy strip club. Every club is accessorized to impress, each one of them an alluring eyeful to its potential guests. Here though, it's like the club owner got bored halfway through and when he got to decorating the outside he just shrugged and said, 'Eh, good enough.'

Casper flips open the overhead mirror and slides his fingers through his hair twice.

"Do I look ok?" he asks me, and his eyebrows furrow with worry.

Yea – before you question it, guys do in fact have self-conscious moments. We just don't show it as often. I glance him over from head to toe. My eyes move back up to his face a second time, and I give a satisfactory nod.

"I'd do you."

Despite the lack of light in the car, Casper's embarrassment is almost tangible. He tries to hide his smile as he reaches into the backseat to grab a hat. He must have sprayed a bit of cologne on himself before we left, because a seductive, masculine scent wafts from his clothes.

"Thanks," Casper mumbles. "You ready for another night of acting straight?"

His question catches me off guard. I sometimes forget how the rules have changed now that I live here instead of California. Being gay in this area is about as acceptable as a mouse crawling into bed with a cat. Casper looks in the rear-view mirror and adjusts his hat for the third time. For as bad as it is for me living here, I can't imagine how he feels.

I was always accepted for who I was without question. Moving here was an adjustment, but I have no room for complaint. Casper has to act like this day in and day out. He must feel suffocated, like the real version of himself is hidden under an impenetrable veil.

Just as Casper grabs ahold of the door handle, I reach across and rest my hand on his knee. He flickers his gaze to me and raises a brow. I wink at him and squeeze his knee gently.

"If the act starts to wear thin tonight, I'm always down for an intermission."

Casper laughs nervously and stares at my hand still resting on his leg. "I might just take you up on that."

"Ey assholes! Hurry the fuck up!" Mike barks and bangs his fist against the backseat window of the car.

I jerk my hand away from Casper's leg, silently wondering if I'll get any type of privacy living in this town. I pad down my pockets to make sure I have my wallet and cellphone.

"You ready?" Casper asks.

I nod. "Straight mode activated. You lead the way."


Club music thumps so loudly I think my eardrums are about to pack up and jump ship. The beat only changes slightly as a new song gives way, the DJ moving from one song to another with smooth expertise. The girl I'm dancing with changes the sway of her hips and begins grinding against my crotch.

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