Al's Confines

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Al shifted on the bed. It wasn't his bed, the mattress was much softer than his own but he was beginning to frequent it more often. He stretched out his back, running a hand through his hair. His fingers tangled in the knots and he gave up trying to make it less of a bird's nest. He squinted into the room. The only light provided was coming from the bathroom across the hall. Al rubbed at his eyes. He needed to get going.

The bed moved again, though this time it was Milo. He turned onto his side. Al turned to look down at him, admiring the smooth expanse of dark skin not covered by the blanket, free of any blemishes. It was such a contrast to his own often pallid complexion and the heavy artillery of scars scattered on nearly every body part. Milo's eyes slowly opened, revealing an almost ethereal grey. He rolled onto his back, his curly black hair splaying around the plush pillow. A fond smile adorned his face, but the glint in his eyes was dangerous. Al licked his lips before he turned away. He made an attempt to move but long fingers curled around his wrist, pulling him back.

"You don't need to leave," Milo said. Al huffed a short laugh, arm settling on the other side of Milo so as not to crush him.

"Well actually I-" Al's reply was cut short by soft lips pressing into his. Those long fingers from before slid around to cradle his head, tugging him closer. Al grunted, trying to pull away. Milo let him pull back slightly, one hand sliding down from his neck slowly until it rested over Al's chest. He absently ran his finger over a newly healed scar. Al closed his eyes, drawing in a steadying breath. His resolve was stronger than this.

When he opened his eyes, glancing back down at Milo, he almost regretted it. Milo's eyes were hooded, his long lashes providing an almost spidery shadow. His smile was wry as he leaned up, his breath ghosting across Al's ear. "As I said, you don't need to leave," Milo reiterated, his voice melodic and husky all at once.

It took every ounce of control he had but Al managed to suppress the the shudder. He wasn't so lucky in holding back from swallowing the lump in his throat. Milo was truly the most formidable person he had ever come across. Soft fluttery kisses pressed against Al's jawline slowly careening downward. His hands clenched into fists, grabbing hold of the sheets. Again when he attempted to pull away, those lips were back against his, more insistent this time. A clever tongue swiped against Al's bottom lip and despite himself, his mouth opened, their kiss deepening.

Milo's teeth tugged at Al's lower lip, his own lips curving into a playful smirk. "Wouldn't you rather stay here?"

"You are going to be the death of me," Al groaned, burying his face against Milo's neck.

"Mn, really?" Milo laughed, his head tilting back. "Who would have thought you'd be done in by some average citizen."

Al smiled against Milo. "Hah, you're anything but average, Doc."

"Well, that's why you're staying, no?" Milo's hands returned to run casually through Al's hair, kneading softly, turning him to putty.

He was going to be in so much shit for this. But damn it all, it was worth it.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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