The Pack

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Demetrius POV

I transformed back into my human form I sat her down against the cave wall I put on some sweat pants and my pack came to view.

"Alpha Demetrius that's the Queen, she looks too young to be a Queen," Jacob said

"She is not young she is as old as I am," I said

"Demetri you know this will cause chaos and war right she is their Queen and she just had a child this is so wrong," My beta said

"Well if she would have never killed my father then this war would have never started.

"Demetri she is powerful enough to destroy the whole world what will we do with her," Carson said

"We will fake her death we will say we burnt her and stabbed her but we must prove it, so I need one of you to get a vampire that has golden eye's brown hair and her body shape but it must be a Verton in the Witch Kingdom you must be secretive and burn her then we will do that so go now," I said

"But Demetrius what are you going to do with the girl," Asked my Beta

"Alex go," I said

She ran off with the pack now the little witch is going to have a living hell with me around and I'll make sure no one knows she is alive, Hmf but let's see what she is gonna do when she wakes up, I did drink her disgusting blood.

Venus POV

My body was sore I opened my eye's and whimpered more like a cry, I looked up and saw Blood I wasn't hungry for blood I I sat up but clutched my stomach I could feel this hot stinging feeling in my side I whimpered and looked at it and saw solid silver turquoise oozing out of my side I put a hand on it and it felt like hot boiling water I screamed in pain and leaned my head against the cave wall I could feel the blood rushing to my head I looked at my hands and saw it, my eye's weren't doing right it was changing different colors which made my head hit the wall I couldn't tell what anything was.

"I've see you have awakened what is wrong with your eyes,"He asked

I looked over and flashed my eye's gold "It's a thing called I'm not telling you should try it sometime," I spat sarcastically he smirked devilish "So that's how it's going to be, well alright," He said he yanked me up I screamed in pain.

"Let go," I screamed

He thrusted me to the wall "As long as I let you live you will shut your damn mouth or I'll beat you to death," He said tears streamed down my face I smirked widely "Sorry but I've experienced every little thing honey so go ahead it's not like I haven't got rapped or beaten or died a thousand fucking times well I have been threw it all so go ahead it won't heart Jackass,"I said he thrusted me harder against the wall "Listen to me you little brat and hear me loud and clear, I will rip every single piece of your skin off until it shows your rotten bones alright I am not your master, not your father, not your husband, not your mom, I am Alpha and you will do everything I ask even if I have to strangle you into you tap out, now I'm giving your child a chance to live or she dies,"he said

We he said I think I immediately fell apart "Don't you dare touch my baby girl," I cried

"Well then you follow by my rules," He said

I just wanted to kill him right then and there he pushed me, and grabbed me by my neck and led me too a secret path when he stopped and a little dungeon he threw me into there I tripped over my dress and fell I whimpered then looked up and it was only a military bed and cover and clothes were packed in a box, I got on the bed, I missed Jack, Venika, Raven, the twins, I started crying until I fell asleep.

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