An Open Letter To The One I Fell In Love With But Eventually Broke My Heart

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Hi! Hope you are having a great day. This may sound absurd to you but I guess this is just a great way for me express the totality of how and what I've felt for you.

When I first had a conversation with you, I kind of falling for you right then and there. But believe me, I did stop myself. The late night chikka that we had may it be sensible or not, it actually sent shivers to me. Guess, I had fallen for you all the more.

Days, weeks passed we now seldom to rightfully converse with each other and I won't be hypocrite to say that I did not miss you because I did. I really did.

I don't know how it happened when suddenly we've crossed to converse again and it sent electricity to my being. It was like, I was awaken from a long time sleep over.

My feelings for you just grew stronger and that I wanted so much to go an extra mile just to let you know that my intentions for you were pure and clean. I know that 24 hours in a day won't suffice for me due to a lot of inevitable things from my workplace but I am very much willing to sacrifice more of it just so I can have a minute or two with you.

When I started to let you know of what I truly felt that also was the day when my walk to calvary started. I know, I'm not perfect and never will I be anywhere closer to perfection. My heart longs for you and it was such a powerful mantra that I can't get over with.

I know questions were asked as to why do I like you this much and I've clearly answered by telling them that I felt like I've already found the right one that I'm looking for 5 years ago. Yes, 5 years ago! My heart kept on pounding and beating from its tinest to the largest core every ounce of time that I would see you, that I would converse with you.

Please forgive me if I am being pushy in knowing the fact if there will be any chances for me to somehow win you over my contenders. I really didn't mean it to.

Hmm... Guess this has gotten longer than expected so let me go ahead and cut this off.

I think I won't be worthy enough to get your yes and to have your love in exchange to mine and I am not blaming you in any way for any misfortune that my heart is feeling now as of this writing.

Feel free to love the one that you truly want. I'm sure my love and admiraton for you will somehow vanish too. As much as I wanted to stay and to continue in pursuing you but I guess the road to giving up has already tortured my being. I love you this much that I am letting you go so you can freely choose the one that your heart truly desire. I love you so much that I only want you to be happy and that you won't have any hard time anymore thinking as to how you should or would dump me.

End of the line as they say and I wan't to thank you for inspiring me since day one that we've come to meet and for motivating me secretly.

Goodbye my so called "love" and may you finally find the rightful one that will take care of your heart till both of you meet the forever that He has prepared for you, may it be till eternity.

Keep smilin' good soul.

Reaping off the Dead skin in me...



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