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"Pure Fyre Burn hight, make a pyre, a True Bone Fyre."

"Here these words, here my cries, Spirits from thee other side, come to me, I summon thee, cross now the great devide."

"Between the spells with in our power give us one hourmos hour."

"Cause yourself to be unseen a Value and Esteeme'd Spelle for all those persons who might wish (for reasons only partaking to own or others safekeeping) to be missed by those who might cause you harme."

"Healing thoughts sent in flight bring the brigtest of blessings This very night. send this healing white light from above surround my friend now in healing love."

 "Fathfull dragon seek the one whom your imprinted on let this seek show in your mind the ways to your imprintor - find."

"What ever your Historie may be 'tis lost to you when you find me."

"Oh faithful companion and fearless friend who will be with me until the End i name thee SPITFYRE."

"So listen to your new sprung ways remember now your different days."

"A ghost may only tread once more where, living, he has trod before."

"I have a wish i wish i had Lanfor, Pranxtor, Jaypes, And Gladde. Wish with me I'll wiah with you and make my wishing words come true my wishing words are: PHOENIXMISTLE! MISTLEPHOENIX!"

"What was your life has gone another passed does now hold sway."

"Eye of Newt, with your power, you shall be my guiding flower.  Eye of Newt, tell me sure what the future has in store."

"Tonight no moon, Tomorrow the first one, Let this be eroded fill.  My will be done. Candle burn down to remove all ill.  Let this spell be cast by the Power of my will."

"Luck near you now will land, the bad luck has come to the End! Just move on and feel free as lucky as you will always be."

"Fairy folk of marsh and heat, fairy folk above and beneath, Fairies moving, Fairies still. I take a bow so help me now."

"Nine drops by nine are eighty-one, eighty-one clouds shall bring me rain.  The rain shall fall, the land shall smile and water will flow for quite a while."

"The time will come for it must be, when she will fly with two of three for then must ye full ready be, and keep the triple close to thee."

"Moon of finest silver. wane --- take with you bad luck and bone as you go so boes all ill -- so mote it be. moon as I will."

 "A pice of fog, a dragons eye, a pattern of the chameleon. I reflect. Where now light is shed,  There is no me there."

 "Through the corridors of sleep dust the shadows dark and deep.  My mind dances and leaps in confusion.  I didn't know what is real.  I can't touch what I feel and I hid behind the shield of my illusion."

"Here now the words of the witches. The secrets we hid in the night.  The oldest of Gods are invoked here, The great work of magic is sought in the hour I call upon the ancient powers bring your powers to we cousins three we want the power give us the power."

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