Chapter 2

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I frantically wiped my eyes hopping out of bed. I stood by the intercm debating on whether i should answer or not. I stood in fear that it might be Justin, wondering what would happen. I took in a shaky breath and pressed the talk button on the intercom "W-who is it?". I waited agonizingly hoping it wasnt Justin when i got my reply, "It's me Pip." I sighed relieved knowing who it was , the one and only person who gave me that nickname...Harry. I proceeded over to the door, and opened it to see Harry just walking up. He engulfed me in a hug and i took this as an advantage to take in his eroma. I clinged to him tighter, pressing my body closer to his, knowing that he was one person that wouldn't harm me. "Woah who knew you'd miss me that much..Are you okay?". I looked up into his caring green eyes which seemed a shade darker full with concern. I decided not to burden him with my troubles, knowing in the long run this would upset him. Not realizing i was still hanging on to him I released my arms from around his waist. I started to walk away when I felt a strong grip on my arm, knowing it was Harry's I decided not to turn. Instead i tried to twist my arm out of his grip failing and being pulled back to stand in front of him. "Stacey, Is everything alright?". He looked down at me his frame towered over mine, i looked deep into his eyes becoming lost in  my own world. I snapped myself out of my trance. No need to worry anyone else for my problems I'm stressed enough as it is. "N-nothing Haz everything is fine...and did you just call me Stacey?" i watched as a grin slowly formed on his face. "As a matter of fact i did." he chuckled and walked over to the couch plopping down. "So, What's up?" I said sitting across from him cross-legged. " Nothing I was just checking up on you see how your date went with Justin." he said raising his eye brow. From the look on his face I knew he was thinking of something totally inappropriate.  I threw the pillow at him and giggled. What a dirty mind this boy can have. I sighed and looked down at my feet. "Pip what's wrong?" he sat up from his lazy position. I took in a deep breath and stared at him before telling him everyrhing that happend. Once I finish I took a deep breath and lay back into the chair embarrassed by the events that took place. I watched as Harry brow furrowed and his eyes became his shades darker with anger I've never seen Harry this angry it kinda scared me. He got up looking pissed and made a sort of noise and punch the wall and grunted. Shocked and not knowing what to do I sat in my chair and watch as event took place. He repeatedly punched the walls grunting. "Aghhhhh!!!!" he yelled his voice over my whole apartment sounding as if they were bouncing off the walls. I ran over to Harry and grabbed his arm before he could punch the wall once again, I could feel his heavy breathing and he turned and looked at me his his expression turning into a much lighter one he sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry Stacey...i'm so sorry."

*Authors Note: I really dont I know if anyone is reading this is so feel free to leave comments and vote so I so i know wat u think...THANKS!!! <3*

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