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I hope you all enjoy my first story published on here!! It might be a slow proces of adding chapters but be patient!! It'll come! Please VOTE, FAN, COMMENT, and/ or DEDICATE!! ENJOY! Also I'm thinking that over the summer of 2012 I will be retyping this story and going further - because its been too long and I need to catch up with it but if you like the beginning and just want more comment to tell.

Chapter 1

               “What do you mean you aren’t going? Both of you ‘can’t’ come?” I asked shocked by this news.

                “I told you, no one wants to go in the first place.” James scolded me. I glanced at him to say watch it. The school dance was in less than a week and my own boyfriend and brother couldn’t go! Something was up… or James could be telling the truth – for once – that no one truly wanted to go. I looked over at Tony pleadingly.

                “You know I can’t bail on my parents they really want me to go with them on their ‘dream vacation’. I can’t tell them I’m not going because of a school dance… there will be plenty more next year.” Tony looks at me with his gorgeous green eyes and I melt a little. I understand that he can’t exactly do that but the “dream vacation” is some unknown island in the Atlantic Ocean that barely anyone knows of. It’s beautiful here in Manteo, North Carolina… well at least I think so, out on a small island surrounded by crisp, cool sea water. Oh, I just love swimming in it each morning I swim at a secluded part of beach to start off my day. “Veronica?” I snap out of my thoughts and realize they’re both looking at me like I’m crazy for not listening.

                “What?” I ask with an edge of don’t-judge-me in my voice.

                “I asked you if you were still going to go without me or your brother here.” Tony asks. I think of the possibilities that could come out of going alone. No, none are as good as it would be if I went with either one of them. Sure going with your twin brother would be weird but at least you didn’t come in by yourself.

                “No… I guess not.” I sigh as we continue home from a boring day at high school, only one more useless week until endless days swimming in the big ocean blue. I walk while thinking of the refreshing cool water while Tony and James talk about Tony’s parents’ “dream vacation”.  Finally we come up to Tony’s house we hug and James high fives him as his parents open the front door.

                “Come on Tony you still haven’t packed yet and we still need to go back to school to clean out your locker.” Mrs. Still calls down to him. He glances at me and I understand exactly what he meant. We’ll talk later. James and I continue our way down to our house right at the ocean’s edge facing inland but a backyard of ocean. I think about a lonely week without Tony around, James has classes with me but he’s busy with his best friend Max. Isn’t that odd? Every class I have with James, Max is in it too… hmm I’ve noticed it before but now that I truly think about it – Ouch! They seriously need to repave this road… there are too many potholes. I finally came back to my senses and James isn’t by me. I look around to see him standing about five feet behind me. His tan face is now pale, I walk over to him.

                “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” I tell him. He stands there staring at our house that belongs to our mother, but she passed away years ago, now our aunt lives with us to keep the house it was very special to our mother and we just can’t leave it. Finally I see a black limo in the driveway, windows so dark you can’t see anything inside at all. Why is it that James is freaking out about this? Still not understanding I try to ask him again, “James? What’s wrong with –“is all I get in because he starts running to our house. Confused even more I try to keep up but the boy is in so many sports it’s hard to out run him. “James!” I yell after him as I see him open the front door and dash in while I still haven’t hit the porch. I run inside to see two men in khaki shorts, Hawaiian shirts, straw hats, and man – sandals. My aunt Kiki standing there looking stunned from what James did. “What is going on?” I ask desperately.

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