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Ittoki's Pov

It was another great day, I was going outside for some fresh air. I saw Honoka going out too,

Honoka: "Hi Ittoki! Good morning," (bows)

Ittoki: "Hi Honoka, good morning too!"

Honoka: "Where are you going?"

Ittoki: "Outside,"

Honoka: "I'm going too, mind if I join you?"

Ittoki: "Sure,"

Honoka: "Race you outside!"

Ittoki: "Well, I don't think your ready."

Honoka: "I'm ready as I'll ever be!"

Ittoki: "Okay!"

Honoka and Ittoki: "Ready! Go!"

As we race outside, whoa! She's really fast! Is she even in a track team or something?

Honoka: "I win!"

Ittoki: "Wow! Your really fast,"

Honoka: "Thanks, it's just in my schedule. We run always at the shrine where Nozomi works."

Ittoki: "I see, it's really different than our schedule."

Honoka: "Huh? Umi's schedule is really preety hard."

We sat down the shade,

Honoka: "Now that thing is stuck on my head!"

Ittoki: "What is it?"

Honoka: "I remember that when we're practicing on Maki's vacation home. Umi really prepared our schedule, running. 10 miles, she's so intense! Luckily we got out there.

Ittoki: "Wow, really......... its like you made so many memories as a group,"

Honoka: "Yeah,"

Ittoki: "Let's go to the kitchen, maybe the others are there."

Honoka: "Okay!"

Ittoki: "Oh! I was wondering, how did you get your group name?"

Honoka: "Nozomi named it, she said Muse. The nine goddess,"

Ittoki: "Oh wow, I thought it was a soap. Hehe" (scratching my head)

Honoka: "Yeah, I thought its a soap too."


Maki's Pov

All of us headed to the kitchen except for Honoka, maybe she got up first. Ugh! Honoka was loud! Whining about something, well that's us MUSE. One of us are really energetic, then one of us are really in their comfort zone. I should listen to music on my phone, huh? Oh! I must have forgot it our room.

Maki: "Uh... hey guys, you go ahead. I'm just going back,"

Nico: "Huh? Why?"

Maki: "I forgot my phone, I'll be back."

Eri: "Okay,"

When I got inside 1st Year room. I found my phone on the desk,

(A/N: 1st Year room is Hanayo, Rin, and Maki's room. 2nd Year room is Honoka, Umi and Kotori's room. 3rd year room is Eri, Nozomi and Nico's room.)

I closed the door and headed to the kitchen. When I got a chance to run, someone got into my way. Oh no! Im going to crash to that guy! I closed my eyes shut until I bumped into that guy.

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