One Sided Love (Mikaze Ai)

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It was a starry night and the aspiring stars and their mentors were in the middle of a Christmas dinner when the laughing of Shinning Satome started up. A few groans from STARISH sounded as everyone got up and wandered towards a colorful light that peered out of the cracks under a doorway. As the doors swung open, Hideyoshi and Ringo stood to greet them.


Boomed the voice of Shining himself as he flung himself off one of the high balconies with a ridiculous Saint Nick outfit on his person. "Are you all having a suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper holiday?" the man boomed again. "We were until you came along..." Syo muttered under his breath in annoyance. "Now, now, we have a surprise for you boys," Ringo smiled, clapping her hands together once in excitement. "Indeed. I present you with a neeeeeeeeeeeeeeew student! Akira Kuroyama!!!!" Shining eccentrically bellowed as he pointed to a tough looking girl with long, black hair and a streak of teal in it that sat on the edge on the balcony Shining had jumped off moments ago as one of her songs played loudly in the background. Her gray eyes seemed a bit odd as she slowly made her way down off the balcony, a hand staying on the railing. Her song was one of the greed that ruined people, the beat rocking them deep with pop punk beats going through the groups' ears. "Akira was supposed to join you earlier but an emergency came up," Ringo explained to the group, "be nice to her now." Soon the three idols left and the group started to introduce themselves to the new comer though she said nothing the entire time, only giving little nods of acknowledgement while her cloudy gray eyes stared ahead of her.


It had been a few months since Akira had moved into the medium sized storage shed that was a few feet away from the huge estate all of the idols were calling home and only a few weeks since HEAVENS had basically declared war on STARISH. Akira had seemed to close up since STARISH and Nanami's first meeting of HEAVENS, never coming into the main building. It was when the group was taking a break from practicing for the UtaPri award that they heard the blasting music coming from the shed that was usually silent. Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At The Disco blared at the young adults as they peered into the makeshift home to Akira who looked extremely upset as she punched the punching bag in front of her as hard as she could. "I wonder what happened," Natsuki said to the group, "she's been like this since we first met HEAVENS..." "I did some research on that," Camus said, popping up seemingly out of no where, "you lot come with me." The changed locations and Camus looked at them all.

"Akira used to date Eiichi Otori," Camus relayed, "they seemed to be a perfect couple on the surface; however, according to friend accounts, Eiichi was horribly abusive to Akira. Her friends said that she would have horrendous bruises and often gashes on her person though she'd brush it off to them as an accident done by herself. It wasn't until a few years ago that he hit her so hard that she fell back and hit a brick wall hard and now, she's blind. Though the news that Akira is blind was brought to my attention by Mikaze." The group looked both sad and pissed about this new revelation. "How the fuck could someone do that to Akira?!" Syo yelled angrily, balling his hands into fists as he shook with rage. "Syo..." Natsuki mumbled, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder to attempt to calm him. "Why didn't she tell us she was troubled?" Cecil asked, being the only one brave enough to ask the question on everyone's mind. "Because I didn't need you lot to worry about me, you have enough on your minds already," Akira herself interrupted, leaning in the doorway. "Akira, you're our friend, we're going to worry about you no matter what," Ittoki said, wandering over to hug her. She allowed it though she tensed as everyone else started to join in on the hug. "Tell us if somethings bugging you, okay?" Nanami smiled at the tomboy to which a nod was given in response.


It was shocking to Akira when she 'watched' Eiichi change with the power of STARISH's music. She stood back stage, listening to STARISH's performance as her mind kept rolling around Eiichi's change of heart. She wanted so badly to run over to him and beg him to take her back but she was still absolutely scared of him. It wasn't until after the show that Akira stood at one of the balconies, taking in the fresh air as she started to hear footsteps come up the stairs behind her. "Ms. Akira?" Mikaze asked his crush. "Yes, Ai?" she responded, turning to him though she was a bit sad it wasn't Eiichi coming to talk with her. "May I join you?" "Yeah, go ahead." The blue haired boy wandered up to the railing, putting his hands on the cool metal that Akira was now leaning on. He admired her for a moment, appreciating how her thick, black hair framed her unmarked face perfectly, how he wanted her slightly chapped lips to be on his so badly, how relaxed she was. "Can I... tell you something?" she hesitantly asked him, seeming a bit nervous. She didn't wait for an answer when she almost silently blurted out, "I think I still have feelings for Eiichi and I think... he might have changed tonight, but I'm still scared of him, of his touch, of what he'll do to me next." Mikaze stared at the blind girl with an incredulous look on his pale face before he shook his head and spoke in a hushed voice, "I think... if you think he really has changed for the better, try and talk with him if its not too much for you. Though, from my observations of you Ms. Akira, you've seen too much pain already so I don't know if you're ready to face him yet." Akira nodded, letting out a relaxed breath, "Thank you, Mikaze. Oh, by the way, why do you call me miss?" "What?" "You heard me. You call everyone by either their first or last name but you call me 'Ms. Akira', why is that?" Mikaze had to think of something quick, he couldn't just blurt out that he was in love with her and the 'miss' is the way to remind himself that she is off limits. "Because," he finally replied after a moment, "I respect you more than the others. You're like... a best friend." His heart shattered slightly when those words left his lips, the tears being shoved back so he wouldn't show how weak he was around Akira. "Really? I'm nothing special but thank you." Soon, Mikaze left Akira's side, wandering down the many hallways of the stadium to get back to the car that was awaiting him.

"You still didn't tell her?" Ranmaru pipped up from behind a pillar as the turquoise haired boy wandered out of the stadium. "It doesn't matter, she's still in love with Eiichi."

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