Meeting Lucy Strauss

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So minna I apologize for making all of you wait. Because I was busy doing my project. So here it is and thanks for waiting. I guess all of you are still wondering why is it that Lucy's last name is Strauss. But you will find out about this in some more chapters, I guess? Heh, so good luck reading this story and enjoy!

*ring* *ring* "Ok, ok, I'm already awake." Lucy said while she's stretching. She looked around and found Wendy, still sleeping in her bed. She got up and fix her bed and ready to wake up her dearest friend. "Wendy, Wendy, it's time to wake up. We have a big day today."

True it was their big day today because they will be sold up and finally they can have their masters. "Hmm." Wendy yawned. "Good morning Wendy." Lucy said with a wild smile. "Good morning to you too, Lucy-san." Wendy said. "Ready for our big day today?" Asked Lucy. "Hai!" Wendy smiled sadly.

It was their last day seeing each other but they also have hope that one day they can also see each other again. "Lucy Strauss and Wendy Marvel, be ready to take a bath and pack your things to leave, thank you." Announced by their manager, Josh. "Hai!" Both shouted.

Wendy took a shower first, while Lucy was preparing hers and Wendy's things. When Wendy was done showering she saw her things was already pack thanks to Lucy. She thanked her while Lucy only smiled and took a shower. Lucy and Wendy was finally done. They were properly dress and pack their things.

*knock* *knock* "Breakfast is served!" Said the cook and was received by a gentle smile. Both of them sat down and ate their breakfast. When breakfast was done two men was already waiting behind the door telling them to give them their things and to follow them.

Both follow the men and waited at their schedule. Wendy was the first one to be sold while the next was Lucy. They both sat down and waited for their turn.

At last it was Wendy's turn to go on stage with Josh to be sold. She was sold by an old man with a young boy who was older by a year or two with blue hair. Lucy remembered the one who bought Wendy so that she will know who they are. By surprisingly Wendy went up to her and hugged her, it was their last goodbyes.

Wendy waved her hand to say goodbye to Lucy while she was just standing there smiling at her. It was hard though to let your best friend go because you two spent for long 3 years together. But she needed to stay strong for Wendy's sake. Now it was her time to be sold.



"Come on Gray we need to go now!" Yelled Erza. "Coming.....coming." He replied. They both drove of to an Auction House. They left their car and got inside. They found seats and sat. They waited for hours until it was Wendy's. They have a schedule with them after Wendy was Lucy. Jellal was right about Wendy she was cute and a little innocent girl but not strong enough to handle Natsu.

At last it was time for Lucy. They both sit straight and waited for her on the stage. They both waited and saw the appearance of Lucy, Juvia was right by just looking at her she seems nice but they need more information.

The announcer introduced Lucy. "This is Lucy Strauss. Seventeen years of age. Has a golden hair and a chocolate big brown eyes. She has nice curves in her body and has natural beauty. Aside from Wendy Marvel she is also like her. One of our finest, most kind, and responsible enough. Never let you down. She always follows the order and never break the rules. You will be lucky one to have her. So let's start at 100,000."

Erza and Gray said "200,000". While a man with blonde hair and a scar in his right eye said "500,000". Others said "600,000" going up. Until someone shouted "1, 000, 000". No one was speaking and so Erza and Gray look up and saw Laxus. He was one of them who torture slaves for fun. The announcer yelled. "Going on-" But was cut off by Gray and Erza, they both yelled. "1, 500, 000". "Going once, going twice, Sold!" The announcer said.

They both stood up from their chairs and waited for Lucy. When Lucy was their already with her things they immediately got inside the car and drove back home.

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