Chapter 18. Gaining their trusts back.

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All the way through my life I've always ran away from my problems, if I was going through some complicated I didn't sort them out like I should have done, I didn't talk to anyone about them like I should instead I ran away like a coward. This time I don't want to run away, running away is something that I have always done ever since I became a teenager, I'm tired of running and hiding from people. There have been times when I thought about giving up on wrestling I didn't sign up to be the bad guy, okay maybe I did but I've regretted it since the day I signed that contract.  I've lost a lot of people these past few day, now it's time to gain back their trust. Starting with the first person who I became best friends with on my first at the company, Paige. 

I haven't seen or spoken to Paige since we both had that argument a few weeks ago, that was the night when I officially joined The Authority. To be honest I really miss her she helped me on my first day, she spoke to me when nobody else would and this is how I thanked her. I'm really mad at myself right now, all she wanted to do was help me and I treated her like she was just another random stranger. I wish that I could change the time to my first day here, but it's impossible Why did I even sign up for the WWE anyway? Because it's always been my dream to perform in front of thousands of people all around the world and it's always been my dream. 

I walked into the divas locker room Natalya and Paige were the only divas inside the locker room, I felt frozen on the spot as I felt Natalya's eyes on me. I'm glad that I decided to wear a hoodie today because it means that I can walk around with a hood over my head and block out everybody's glares. I cleared my throat loudly, looked up at the two girls standing impatiently in front of me waiting for my to say something.

''Hey Paige, is it okay if I can speak to you alone?'' I asked her as my eyes looked away from Natalya and back over at Paige.  Paige nodded her head at Natalya probably a signal for her to leave the room, Nattie smiled softly and walked out of the locker room leaving me and Paige by ourselves. 

''If you are here to apologize then I can't forgive you, I helped you when you didn't have anyone, I became not only your first best friend in the WWE but also your first tag team partner. You just threw all of that in my face, I thought I was starting to get to know but it turns out that I don't know you at all, I hope that you are happy now because you got what you wanted.'' 

''I know that you hate me right now honestly I don't blame me, if I was you I would hate me too actually I already hate myself. I didn't plan for any of this to happen, I didn't want any of this to happen when I signed that contract I wasn't thinking straight. I was angry with myself, just like I'm always angry with myself, signing the contract was just a stupid mistake. If you were me Paige, then you would do the exact same thing, if you understood all of the things that I've been going through then you would have done the same thing. All my life I've been trying to find my real family while chasing my dreams, all of my life has been some lie. All I've ever done is ran away because that's the person I am, I am a coward who always runs away. I know you can't forgive me but I'm going to fix things I'm going to prove to everyone all around the world that I am not the bad guy. Just please accept my apology.'' I stuck out my hand for Paige to shake, she looked at it with a hesitated look on her face like she didn't believe every single word that I told her. I felt good to get everything off my chest, but I've hurt a lot of people that I wasn't planning on hurting, that I didn't want to hurt.

''How do you plan on fixing things? Because I don't know if you know this but the Authority are very powerful and strong, you've seen what they've done to your brother Randy Orton. They will do the same thing to you if you are not careful, they will hurt you, they will make your life a living hell and they will break your bones until you can't wrestle ever again. They are evil Jasmine, they are going to put you in a hospital bed, so how on earth are you going to make things better?'' She asked me while crossing her arms over her chest. I never really thought of that I'm not the one who's doing all of the planning. Dean is the one who is planning all of this but that means he's going to get hurt too, I've hurt so many people in my life I can't let Dean get hurt.

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