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Megan's POV
I woke up to Ethan's arms wrapped around me I try to move and get out my bed but he starts to grunt so I lay back down and go on my phone. I check all my social medias and Ethan's snapchat catches my eyes it's a sleeping picture of me saying "goodnight princess" my heart feel so full of happiness I go on my snapchat and take a selfie with Ethan sleeping I put the caption as "good morning babe😘😏". Ethan unwrapped his arms from me and turns on his other side so I decide to get out and make breakfast.
I get out of my bed as quietly as I can and go downstairs I put the cooker on and start to make bacon,eggs and toast it smells so good!

Ethan's POV
I wake up to the smell of bacon eggs and toast I quickly check my phone and go on snapchat (ethandolan) I see Megan's story and it's a picture of me staying "good morning babe😘😏" I haven't known her long but I think I'm falling for this girl.
I run downstairs and see Megan
E "morning beautiful"
M "aw morning handsome I made us some breakfast wanna eat now?"
E " yeah I'm so hungry"

We finish our breakfast and I clean up Megan ran upstairs to take a quick bath, by time I've done the dishes I sneak up and into the bathroom Megan is listening to drake one dance my favourite song! I decide to change into my swimming shorts and go in the bath too since she has two baths that connect but the are separate she gets a shock and jumps up I tell her it's just me we talk to each other for at least 10 minutes then we both get out and change.

Sorry its so short guys ill try and make it longer next time ❤️
Have a great day💪🏼
Peace ✌🏼️

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