The Closet (1)

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I started noticing it this past Monday. 

Every day I would pass by it and it would be just slightly more open then the day before. 

I live alone right now. I don't own any pets and I only go in there during the winter or fall to get a jacket. There aren't any windows or vents near it either, so it can't be some kind of draft. 

This kind of thing doesn't typically bother a lot of people, but I've been having these nightmares lately and they're horrid. I wake up drenched in sweat and when I look around the room, the shadows seem to move across the walls. I'm starting to think they're not shadows anymore. It.. it sounds really fucking stupid I know. Sounds as if I'm five years old again or like I'm some crazy old person. 

Right now my back is towards it, the closet door. I'm sitting in my desk across the room. Usually I'd be fine here but now that I've noticed this... I'm not too comfortable anymore. I've lived in this house for a few years now, the roommates come and go. I'm usually comfortable by myself, I'm not the best conversationalist. I typically prefer the solitude, but this paranoia ruins even that for me. I keep turning around to check on the door. 

Walking back from the desk, the door creaks accidentally as I slip into the closet. He immediately whips around in his chair. He stares at the door like a deer in headlights. His eyes dart back and forth, I can tell he's frantically thinking. 

Time passes slowly before he shuts his computer, keeping an eye on the door, and walks out of the room into the bathroom. He grabs a pill bottle and shakes two into his hand. Staring at them he shakes his head disapprovingly and quickly downs them. It's as if he's scared he'll change his mind. 

I quietly watch as he smirks at himself in the mirror and heads off to bed. 

I can't believe he still doesn't notice me. It's unbelievable, how can he not see me?! 

I look into his eyes every time. I swear he can see me every time. 

I've seen him lose his mind so many nights. It's sad to watch really. At the beginning it was entertaining but now it's not at all. 

It started when he lost them. 

No, they didn't die or anything. They left, he told them to go. It was his own mistake but one that he's never forgiven himself for. 

They were perfect. Both of them were always there for the other. It was like every movie ever made. He never meant for it to go so far but they were so perfect to him that he couldn't control it. 

You could see the passion in his eyes every time he spoke or saw them. They always held him with just as much passion too. Even when he fought with them, you could the the care he and they had for each other. 

I knew it was going to end when he and they got at it every week, sometimes even more. He would lay in his bed and not do anything. He hardly spoke, ate, or slept. Then one night, he left for the first time in two months. When he came back he looked exhausted and I never heard him speak to them again. 

As time went on, it aged him dramatically. He always looked so tired and he would bark orders at the roommates who spoke to him. They were only trying to help but he got so mean. I got so scared for him.

Looking at him when he sleeps is one of the things I do often. The reason being is just to see him at peace. You see someone so broken all the time, you start to crave for that calmness to their skin again. 

I wouldn't say I've fallen for him. Or that I'm his soulmate. I think I'm just here to watch over him but there's no way I'm an angel. I have my own past that needs to be made up for and I think this is how I'll do it.

So.. that's the beginning. 

In case you didn't read the description or I forgot to put it in there..

this is a story with two points of views,

The "angel" and the person. 

I hope this is a good introduction chapter and I hope you liked it! 

I'm not good with these after reading author thingies so just..

I'll see you in the next chapter I guess. 

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