The Closet (1.5)

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I started noticing it this past Monday.

Every day I would pass by it and it would be just slightly more open then the day before.

I live alone right now. I don't own any pets and I only go in there during the winter or fall to get a jacket. There aren't any windows or vents near it either, so it can't be some kind of draft.

This kind of thing doesn't typically bother a lot of people, but I've been having these nightmares lately and they're horrid. I wake up drenched in sweat and when I look around the room, the shadows seem to move across the walls. I'm starting to think they're not shadows anymore. It.. it sounds really fucking stupid I know. Sounds as if I'm five years old again or like I'm some crazy old person.

Right now my back is towards it, the closet door. I'm sitting in my desk across the room. Usually I'd be fine here but now that I've noticed this... I'm not too comfortable anymore. I've lived in this house for a few years now, the roommates come and go. I'm usually comfortable by myself, I'm not the best conversationalist. I typically prefer the solitude, but this paranoia ruins even that for me. I keep turning around to check on the door. 

I hear the hinges creak, something inside the closet door moves as the door opens. I swivel around in my chair, frantic to catch whatever it is that's tormenting me. 

There's nothing there. The door doesn't even look like it's moved. 

Was it my imagination?
No. I know I heard the door open and something move inside. 
Maybe take a quick peak? Couldn't hurt, could it? 
No. Don't do it. Take your meds and go to bed, it's nearly four in the morning. You're tired and you need to sleep. 
Yet, what if it comes out? What if it's friendly?
You fool, anything that gives off that vibe can't be a 'friendly' being. Go to bed. 

Finally agreeing with myself, I turn off the computer and walk out of the room. Keeping an eye on the closet door, I hope to see a glimpse of what's inside. I see nothing. 

I walk to the bathroom, grabbing my prescription bottle from the medicine cabinet. I unscrew the cap. Slowly and ever so carefully I tilt the bottle, shaking it a little to get out the two pills that I need. The bright orange clashes terribly with my skin, making me look an unhealthy color. 

They mess with my head. I don't like taking them, not really. They turn my brain into drowned mush incapable of thought or fear or worry. They turn me into a zombie. 

I giggle at the thought. 

Could I be a zombie? I mean, I don't crave brains, but maybe that's just some mumbo-jumbo. I could be a zombie. I feel like I'm dead. Would that make me a zombie? Or maybe a vampire. I'm not sure. I think it'd be nice to die but still be able to come back. It makes the idea of death less terrifying. 

I swallow the two pills and brush my teeth before climbing into bed, glancing at the room with the closet. Shaking my head at myself I roll over and fall asleep almost immediately. 

I wake up to see something holding me down. I can't move it or see it, but I somehow know what it looks like. 

It's almost a skeleton and it's completely nude. It's hollowed out eyes are nothing but black with a small white light in the middle. It's smile, larger than it's face, is wet with saliva. It laughs as I try to struggle, trying to get out of it's grasp. 

Leaning down closer it whispers into my ear, "Careful, my dear."

It's breath smells of rotten food or burnt hair. I gag, making it only laugh and screech louder. I close my eyes. I feel every ounce of my being fall to pieces and disappear, leaving me feeling exhausted and terrified. 

It leans down once again and whispers, "I could be anywhere." 

It's laughter fills the room and I finally am able to sit up. I shake excessively, drenched in my own sweat and tears. Glancing at the clock, I see it's seven in the morning. My vision blurs and I am forced to lay back down for another hour. 

Finally getting up, I make my way to the bathroom. Pulling two pill bottles from the cabinet, I dryly swallow the last two pills. Getting dressed for the day, I remember I have to go out and get some milk. I put on my shoes and grab my wallet, ignoring the closet for the first time this week. I don't give a damn about the milk, I just need to get out of the house. I head out the door and walk across the street to the gas station. 

The man at the counter gives me half a glance before going back to the magazine in his hands. I make a beeline to the milk and grab a carton. As I head up to the counter, I grab a bag of gummy bears for the fucks of it. My phone buzzes as I pay and head out the door. I glance at it and see it's a text message from CVS saying my prescriptions are ready. I pick those up and soon enough I'm heading back home. 

Taped to the front door of my apartment is a note that says, "Sorry I didn't call, I forgot to write down your number. My name is.." Not being able to read the rest of the sloppy handwriting I put the note in my pocket and walk inside. 

Alrighty then. There's chapter 1.5

I'm not sure how to continue the story just yet. Any ideas??

But how have you liked it so far?! I'm curious!

Again, not good at goodbyes so 

I'll see you in the next chapter..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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