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Well were do I begin ?

I'm Anna Halat and 12 years old , I have amazing friends ( Wiki, Julia ,Chenge, Ayleen , Alvaro , Caleb, Jorge, Kamil, Dylan (I think?), and Sira).
I also LOVE ART . I'm just so creative and artistic. So , I have one brother , one half - brother, one sister, and an amazing mom and dad. You're probably wondering how I have a half - brother , right ? Well, the story begins with my dad ; before my mom my dad was married to someone else and had a baby with this someone else . So after the baby (Matthew) turned three he was diagnosed with autism . This lady didn't want anything to do with Matthew after that so she tried to hurt my dad . My dad called the police ( dad:1 lady:0) and they took her away . Then fast forward a couple years , my mom met my dad at work . So they fell in love and my dad filed for a divorce and got married to my mom .

So, what did you think ? Ask me any questions about me in the comments section below, and I will answer them next time ,BYE!!!!!!!!

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