Chapter One

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I sprinted as fast as I could though the thick crowd of astonished people, I shoved my way half way through the crowd when I was pushed back significantly by a large surge of people.
I'd had enough, I'd already worked through a tiring 12 hour shift and now I was having my off time, I had to go help some idiot street fighter!
"Let me through!" I shouted surprisingly loud, to those around me, many of them ginormous 6ft plus men, who contrasted to my relatively normal 5ft6, the men gave me a horrified look,
"I'm a bloody doctor! Now let me though!" I shouted in a fake American accent. Instantly the crowd of burley men parted, to reveal an extremely tall we'll built and nicely muscled man lying in the middle of the crowd, covered heavily in his own blood. An equally massive man sitting down beside him, equally battered, bruised and bloodied.
I rushed to his side, instantly checking his pulse and his breathing. Knowing they were alright, I checked his eyes, and obvious knife marks on his chest and rest of his body.

"What happened?" I asked the man beside me,
"He pulled out a knife, self-defence." He replied in a stunned and faltering voice.
"How long has he been unconscious?" I asked,
"Before you got here ma'am?"
I nodded.
"20 minutes."
I pulled off my over shirt, which was black and began to press it to the largest wound to stem the bleeding.
"I need to call the ambulance, so can you please just hold this, press it down on his wound." I directed,
I pulled out my iPhone, but not before making all of the crowd clear off.
I dialled 911,
"911, what is your emergency?" The kind woman on the phone queried,
"I need police and an ambulance. Someone's been stabbed in self-defence, I'm currently stemming the bleeding for the attacker, the victim is here with me. I'm a doctor." I told her hurriedly,
"Okay ma'am, where is your name and location? I'm sending them out now." The women informed me,
"Location Harley Avenue, just in front of the large flats, and my name is Darcy Ravenwood." I told her,
"I'm currently tracking your location Miss; the ambulance should arrive in 4 minutes. The police will be there in two." She told me,
"Thank You." I told her great fully,
"You're welcome." She replied,
"Can I pass the phone onto the victim, I need to check on my patient?" I asked,
"Sure ma'am." She replied, as I handed the handsome man my iPhone, he handed me my shirt back.

As soon as I again checked the man's pulse and breathing, the sound of sirens could be heard.

A minute later, two American local police cars shot by, one sheriff car one normal. They got out and began their duties.
"Mornin' ma'am." the sheriff bade politely, tipping his hat, as his comrades began cordoning off the area, "Are you the British Doctor who called in the incident?" He asked,
I nodded,
"Can you tell me what happened here Miss?" He asked,
"Yes, I'd just gotten back from my shift when I was informed by someone from my block that someone was lying in a pool of their own blood outside with another person equally hurt, so I rushed out here." I told him,
"Okay," he sighed as he wrote it down,
"Thanks ma'am."
"Tell her that the police are here." I told the badly hurt man, who had finished his story to the woman, he nodded, told the woman then said his goodbyes and hung up. 
"If you don't mind officer, could you hold this for me, I need to check this man over." I told him, directing him what to do, I changed so I could check the victim over, he seemed to have a particularly bad scratch over his stomach.
After I checked his pulse and breathing, I noted the only thing particularly wrong with him were the wounds on his torso.
"Thanks officer." I thanked, as I once again regained control of the pressure.

Next thing I knew the ambulances were here. The paramedics I knew well jumped out and joined me.
"Darcy?" They exclaimed when they saw me covered in blood, the attacker's blood.
"Oh, no it's not me, it's them." I told Matilda and Vincent,
"I take it everything's handled?"
"Yep, heart rate a little high but fine, breathing okay, nothing particularly bad I can pick up except the wounds. Apparently this one," I said gesturing to the attacker, "pulled out a knife."
"Okay, thanks, I'm afraid we've been ordered to get a statement from you, then wait for the army officer to arrive, I think though that we can let you sleep until the army arrives."
"Why has the army gotten involved?" I asked,
"Not sure." Vincent replied, as they strapped the attacker to a board and lifted him into the first ambulance,
"Meet you at the hospital." I smiled as I took the victim into the second ambulance.
"Bye." I smiled as we got into the ambulance and drove off, to Forever Falls Hospital...Bottom of Form.

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