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Warmth of the nature and the dawn of the sunshine in the morning. the beautiful journey of train where at one point you think really by living in the hectic world I have forgotten about this beautiful nature which really take you to the heaven with its emerse beauty.
Oh god !! thanks for this heavenly beauty which had the power of refreshing mind in a fraction of seconds .by observing these beauty at same point a huge rush crowd sound came suddenly it splash my mind I looked here and there it was a big railway station where a crowd of endless peoples waiting for the train . suddenly my eyes drop into the big notice board and it was my destination place I suddenly packed and settled my bag in a hurry manner gone out of the train. The crowd was so much that my feet didn't touched to the ground I was just pulled and pushed by the emerse crowd at last I balanced my self and came to the edge of the station .
Then by holding my bag packs I came out of the station . a big city was in my front ,really a small village boy is going to be a part of these big city it fears a little to me . then by thinking that I picked a taxi, and reached to my end point and suddenly I asked the person that is this the " isthmus school of management " ??
The driver gave a strange look to me thinking that you didn't identify your college also. It was just a dreamland thinking about it at the gate of the college just a vast infrastructure I can't blink my eyes really I am going to be a part of this college "happiness was at the top but as fear kills our happiness " thinking and thinking about fearful seniors ,new lectures . at that point someone call me ohh brother ..
What happen dont think much just enter to the college I rushed to the college .the first step to the college was like an first step to the moon .
Seniors were welcoming us with the rose petals but they were all in good get up as I was in journey I was wearing a trouser and holding my bag packs its really make me uncomfortable .
But that welcoming gives a relief to my fear .
Then warden ask me to take to my room . suddenly while going with the warder I ask him a question Does ragging happens here do lecturers give punishment but he was silent and with his silence it gave me the correct answer that bullshit you are in a college and asking this fuck hole question . then he kept my luggage and gone to do his work I knocked the door and heres come to open by a guy and wht I have seen was just AWESOME ... Which relief to all my fear ... A huge hug from the new roommates ... Wht had happened is my last qus. When I was at the door ????

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