A Land of Only Dream

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This Dream of mine was a fantasy,

It was a land of no other.

Candy on tree’s and food from the sky,

Kittens given away to kids for prizes at school.

Parents make Candy for dinner and Pizza for break-fast. 

The kids play all day long until the sun comes down.

And when moon rises the wolves howl with joy. 

The creatures of the night come for the kid who didn’t go in.

These creatures set traps for food hoping to catch before sun light.

The wolves come when they here a boy cry. 

He’s been catch by the creature named Lulu, 

They fight for his life as the do for the towns savers. 

When the kids safe they send him home. 

All kids that are saved must keep the Wolfs secret. 

So they believe on night they well visit the kids wish. 

Shooting stars fly through and kids make there bed time 

wishes  and fall a sleep. Most of these wish do not come true, 

But the star shines the brightest shows that hopes still there.

“i wish to have my sister back.” This little boy wishes

 because he knows that she’ll never come back.

 Lulu got her, but he tries every night. 

The sun light shines through his window, as normal he looks 

out the window to see if she came home. He see’s a little girl 

standing there waving, and throwing rocks. He runs 

to his parents. “Sista’s home!!!!” He scream. His parents don’t listen. 

So he continues to her way. He opens and see’s her standing 

there with a smile, just the way she looked before she left. 

He runs to her in a full run and they hug. He picks her 

up and swings her like he used to when he was littler. 

She’s been gone 5 years,  he’s now 16. She’s now 9. 

He takes her to Ma and Pa. They reunite. 

This Dream of mine was a fantasy, 

It was a land of no other. 

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