Chapter 1

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There was a girl. This girl was 6 1/2. Her name is Amanda. Her parents were into drugs and not very  responsible. On one day, she heard a car door slam from outside. It was a black Cadillac. She has seen it before but she doesn't know who it is. A guy wearing an all black suit walks out of the Cadillac. Following him are three guys wearing dark navy blue suits. Mom and dad are outside with Aaron my 10 year old brother. The guys are big and scary. Mom and dad keep saying that they will pay him. They look scared too. The guy in black starts yelling that it is too late. Then mom and dad yell to Aaron to get inside. At this point I know that I should hide. I hide in the small space between my play box and wall. When Aaron and I play hide and go seek, he can never find me here. Next thing I know I hear gunshots. Six of them. The door to the house opens and the guy in black starts yelling my name. My bedroom door opens. The four guys walk in. "We don't want to hurt you Amanda." They kept saying. I stayed where I was. They leave after what feels like forever. The car door slams shut and they pull off. I wait a while to make sure there gone. What I see outside terrifies me........

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