Chapter 2

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My breathing speeds up, my eyes get heavy, and I fall.

I wake up.
"Why did I pass out?"
When I open my eyes I remember why. There laying on the ground like a still painting, is my brother, mom, and dad laying on the ground. Through my dad's chest is a very large bullet hole. Through my mom's neck was a very large bullet hole as well. And my brother... my brother... my brother has a very large bullet hole through the side of his head.
"They are gone! I'm all alone! My brother is gone! My mom is gone! My dad is gone! They are all gone! How will I live..... I need to get myself together and be responsible.... for my family!"

Sorry guys that is where I'm ending this chapter! I'm at my sisters house and I don't want to write all day so ya. I'll update soon I hope. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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