Chapter 12: A Few Confessions

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Aphmau's POV


"Where do you think your going?" A female voice said.

I slowly turned, dreading who I would see.

"Oh...uhh...hi Katelyn."

"Don't you, 'Hi Katelyn' me young lady. You owe me and the guys and explanation before I call a mental hospital for your own safety." She growled, blocking the doorway.

"Katelyn...." I trailed off.


"Can't you see that I can't tell you?" I pressed

"I can see that you won't tell us." She retorted.

"No Katelyn, it's not that I won't, I can't!" I cried.

"Aphmau, nobody is preventing you from talking. Besides, I read your journal. I know everything." She said, trying to get a leverage on me.

I chuckled darkly. "That stupid thing? It won't help you at all. You don't know half of what's in there. You probably don't even know what most of it means."

Katelyn's face was a mask of confidence, yet confusion.

"I may not know much, but I can find out"

"Katelyn, this has gone too far. I get that I haven't been telling you guys everything, but some secrets are best stayed buried."

"Don't talk riddles to me. Besides, it's not just that. You've been acting too suspicious for my taste. Pretty much everyone's noticed your change. Except for Travis. Then again, that's just him being well.....him."

"Please Katelyn. I wanna keep this all a secret. Being protective of me is one thing, but taking my journal? Unacceptable."

"Aphmau, I'm probably not being a good friend in your eyes right now, but I'm trying to help you. I was told that telling friends what's wrong helps."

"Katelyn, you're right. But I've already told someone about it and I'm truly sorry, but I don't think your ready to be told."

Katelyn's eyes softened a fraction of a bit.

"Aphmau, you can't just keep isolating yourself from us. Who knows how long it'll take for me to be 'ready to be told'! Whatever your problem is, you can trust me."

My mind was racing. I decided to stop this.

"Katelyn. I'm ending this once and for all. I trust you. I trust all of you with my heart. I understand your concerns for me. I get why you took my journal. I understand this all! But...your right. You might never be 'ready to be told'. Let me get to the facts..."

I took a deep breath.

"Ever since Jay returned, I know you guys were immediately suspicious. Especially the boys. I could tell you guys didn't like the looks of Jay. In fact, I think one reason your doing this is because you feel like Jay's taking me away from you. That's not true. He's just been a good friend. Then, there's the matter about the journal. Andy and Claire are people from my past. As for the rest of the entry, I cannot explain. Before you start threatening to get Lucinda, just don't. It's hard to explain my past, where I work at, and basically everything. I would hate to ruin our friendship because of this. I wish we could all just forget about this. So please Katelyn. Stop demanding answers from me, because I can't answer all of them. Stop following or taking my private things just to find out what's wrong with me. I just. Need. Time."

I took a deep breath, waiting for Katelyn's response.

Katelyn gave me a long hard stare.

"Aphmau, I'll admit, most of what you said about my suspicions were correct. I...I didn't like the idea of Jay. I still don't. We hardly know him. As for the journal, I'm kinda sorry, but not really. No offense, but I very much want to know what is going on. I understand you don't exactly want to tell us yet, and I don't wanna be a pushy friend but...sometimes, you can't change us. We want to know."

"Maybe someday. You can bug me all you want, but as I said. Someday." I said softly.

I pushed pass sad and partially upset Katelyn.

My once happy home seemed gloomy and unwelcoming, as though it were kicking me out.

A violet tear traced its ways down my cheek.

The odd color of the teardrop wasn't what bothered me.

It was the shape it had left when it splattered against the carpet.

The cloth absorbed the liquid right away and formed the odd shape of a heart. 

A heart, split right down the middle with a lightning bolt crack

*Timeskip back to Aaron's house*

4:28 PM

Changing into my lilac dress, I studied myself in the mirror


(For the people who've been calling this a cringe dress and saying this 'isn't Aphmau', I'd like to point out that saying stuff like that won't change a thing

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(For the people who've been calling this a cringe dress and saying this 'isn't Aphmau', I'd like to point out that saying stuff like that won't change a thing. This is an old story of mine so please chill. :/)

Applying Berry Bonza lip gloss, midnight black mascara, and brushing my hair, I inserted silver dangle earrings to match my dress. Reaching into my backpack, I pulled out a rosy pink blush. Rubbing it on both cheeks, I examined myself.

Not bad.

I carefully took out a slightly squashed puppet outfit. Carefully refolding the costume, I placed it in a paper bag and attached a quick note: For Talent Show. Do not touch please!

I put on some silver jeweled heels (Only an inch or below of heel guys) I stepped out of the changing room.

"Woah." Aaron awed.

"I tried." I grinned sheepishly.

"And you did good." He replied.

Aaron wore a simple onyx black tuxedo, and a bright red tie, striped with golden stripes. (HP reference anyone? XD)

"Ready?" I asked, nervously fiddling with my nails.

"You tell me." He smiled.

Together, we walked out of the house, ready for tonight.


Author here to edit this once more to say that the rant has been removed.

Newcomers please don't worry about it, it's all in the past <3

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