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You came home, from the rain, bullied again. Levi was in the kitchen making tea, in the kitchen you assumed. You and Levi are just friends, yet, so close together. Levi walked up to you then saw one of your bruises on your arm and began to worry.

You sat on a couch right next to a window wall and sighed. Levi placed the cups of tea on the coffee table and sat beside you.

"Did they bully you.... Again?" Levi asked, holding his cup in his weirdly cute way.

"Yeah they did." You sighed, wishing for it to be over.

"Those brats never stop, do they?" Levi sighed.

"Tea?" Levi asked, then again

"Yeah, sure." You held on your tea.

"I made it just the way you like it, a hint of vanila, and teaspoon of honey, right?"

You tasted it and it was the tea of your likings.

"Yeah! You got it right." You blushed, Levi never perfected your tea recipe before.

You grabbed a book from the coffee table and laid down.

Levi got a random book from the top of the coffee table and read it too. Placing his glasses on.

The silence was nice and soothing. Levi lit a vanila scented candle to ease you.

After an hour, You had ended the small book and gazed upon the raindrops that are falling on the window.

The lights were turned off and the candle was still on. You felt like staring at Levi.

So, you did stared at his eyes. Levi had caught you staring at him and took his glasses off.

"What?" He asked.

"You have beautiful eyes, Levi."

"Don't flatter me, (Name)." Levi said, shocked.

"I am not, they are pretty..."

"Well, do you want to hear my opinion about your eyes?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"They are traumatizing- no, hypnotizing to look at, I just want to stare at it everyday."

Now, this made you look curiously at him while blushing wildfire. You covered your face with your hands and balled up, looking away from Levi. Levi low-keyed chuckled at your reaction and hugged you from the behind.

"Why are my eyes traumatizing?"

Levi clicked his tongue. He hugged you tighter, for a little bit.

"Because I might drown of it's beautiful color and the way it shines, the sun becomes jealous."

You smiled widely and blushed even more.

"Be my girlfriend already..." Levi whispered to your left ear.

You smiled and looked at his way and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too, Levi." You whispered.

Levi gave you a rare smile and cuddled.

"I'm glad, from the moon to back to be your boyfriend.. I love you so much.."

As he gave you the soft gesture, you cried softly.

(Name) (Last Name) was a lucky girl who had stolen Levi Ackerman's heart.

bonus bc why not.

The both of you woke up, from the same bed.

You screamed after you saw your partner naked.

"Christ, (Name).."


"We had sex yesterday, remember?"

By that reply, you fainted.

"(Name) wake the fuck up, you have school."


Sorry if that was short and crappy! Well, I hoped you liked this~ please comment if it has a mistake! Babush!


sorry for this shit rite here. imma update vanilla later and shit. ok bye.


wow that was cringy haHa

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