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"Alright, Father Gabriel pick one." You instructed as Carl laid out some weapons in front of him.

"I-I can't." He grimaced.

"What do you mean you can't?" You asked.

"The Lord. He forbids violence." He stammered. You found it nice how even after the world has gone to hell, he still has faith in his religion. At times like these, however, it can be just down right annoying.

"Come on, Father Gabriel you need to learn how to protect yourself." Encouraged Carl. With shaky hands, Father Gabriel took a hold of a machete.

"Good choice." You smiled. Father Gabriel glanced at you.

"H-How do you use this?" He asked staring at the foreign weapon.

"Just swing it around. It's not that difficult." Shrugged Carl.

"Remember. Aim for the head or you're dead." You warned causing Father Gabriel to gulp.

"I-I don't know if I can do this." He grimaced placing the weapon back on the floor.

"Do you want to live or do you want to die?" Carl asked picking up the machete.

"I want to live." Admitted Father Gabriel.

"Then take it." Demanded Carl. Father Gabriel accepted the machete.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a vehicle. You all went outside to see Abraham's group come out of a fire truck along with Glenn and Maggie.

"We know where Beth is." Reassure Michonne.

"What? She's alive?" Gasped Maggie.

"I'm not sure if she's alive but I know where her and Carol are. They're at the Grady Memorial Hospital not too far from here. Daryl, Rick and Noah are trying to get her back." Michonne informed.

"What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Exclaimed Maggie hopping back onto the fire truck.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa questions! What happened to the original vehicle and who's Noah?" You asked.

"Ran out of gas and Beth's new friend. He worked at the hospital before escaping. But he's going back to help us get Beth." Informed Rosita.

Everyone got on the fire truck and Abraham drove to the Grady Memorial Hospital. You looked up at the building to see that it appeared fairly new. Everyone got out with their weapons in hand, ready to fight to get Beth back.

A man walked out. Two people behind him. You were happy to see your dad, Rick and Carol. Your smile quickly faded as you saw their eyes of sorrow. Daryl let out a sigh as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Maggie jumped out of the truck.

"Where is she?" She asked running towards Rick. He glanced at her with pitiful eyes.
"Well? Where is Beth? She's alive right?" She asked looking around only to have silence answer her.
"Right?!" She repeated a bit louder.

"We tried but we were too late." Informed Daryl.

"W-what do you mean you were too late?" She asked at the edge of tears.

"Maggie, Beth is no longer with us." Carol grimaced.

"W-what? No. At least let me see her!" She cried trying to run into the hospital. Daryl quickly held her back.

You stood there in silence as you looked up at the building. As you looked up at one of the windows, you saw a young blonde haired woman with piercing blue eyes looking down at the scene.

"Beth!" You gasped running inside. Carol tried to hold you back but failed.

"You see her?!" Cried Maggie. You ran in to the hospital pushing people out of the way. You stopped at a corridor to see a young blonde woman. She wore a light blue uniform, her right arm in a white cast, stitches on her left cheek.

"Beth?" You silently spoke. She turned away from the scene to look towards you. She gave you a small smile.
"Y-you're alive." You whispered.

"You sound surprised." She chuckled.

"I'm not it's just that- my dad said-" You stood silent not being able to finish your sentence. You began to wonder why Daryl lied.

"I know what Daryl said. Just go ok, ______? You guys seem to be doing perfectly fine without me." She informed.

"But Beth, we need you. You shouldn't be here. You should be down there!" You exclaimed gesturing towards a crying Maggie as Daryl continued to hold her back while Glenn tried to calm his grieving wife.

"______ you don't understand. They really need me here. Just go. You guys will be fine without me. I'm really needed here in this hospital." She informed.

"Are you sure? You'll be ok?" You grimaced.

"I promise. Tell Maggie that I love her. Take care of her for me." She whispered embracing you into a hug.

"I will." You whispered hugging her back.

"Beth. Dawn needs you on the third floor." Informed a young man.

"Ok, Noah. Tell her I'll be right there." She smiled letting you go.

"Wait. You're Noah?" You asked glancing over to the African American.

"Yeah. Who are you?" He asked getting all defensive.

"Don't worry, Noah. She's with me." Smiled Beth. Noah smiled as he walked towards you.

"Any friend of Beth is a friend of mine." He smiled holding out his hand.

"Take good care of her for me alright, Noah?" You smiled giving him a firm hand shake.

"I promise." He reassured.

You walked out of the hospital in tears.

"It wasn't her. I confused one of the employees for Beth." You lied. Maggie simply broke down into more tears. The entire group stood silent and grieved for a moment.

"Let's go." Sighed Rick.

I know this isn't what originally happened but I'm not very happy with the ending of that episode so I changed it :3

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