Chapter 12

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I know who this is...

Looking down at the time I saw it was already 4:30. I heard a soft groan come from Louis, quickly I ran up to him. slowly his eyes opened and he winched as he tried to get up. "where are you going?" Louis whispered softly. I didn't answer I just pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry." I sobbed into his chest.

"Shh it's not your fault." he coed into my ear. I lifted my head slowly looking at all his bruises and cuts. He placed at soft kiss on my cheek, i forced a smile looking back at the time.


Where do I even go? the park or ice cream shop. quickly I decided to go to the park not wanting Louis to get hurt. "wait here I'll be back."

"Promise?" Louis whispered before I could walk out the door. "I promise."

I made my way to the park looking over at the sun that was about to set. The park was very quiet. kids and there parents where already leaving.


I froze in my spot at the call of my name. "h-hello?" I stuttered looking around me. I started to walk deeper into the park scared of what would happen next. Before I could comprehend what was happening I was on the ground clutching my stomach. "hey what do you think your doing!" someone called out from the distance. that voice sounded so familiar..

The sun was set and the moon was high in the sky, I couldn't see who was in front of me. After a chuckle and a couple foot steps someone pulled me to my feet. "mate you aright?" the person asked.

My eyes widened as my vision came back to normal. It was Liam. "Liam I haven't seen you in forever!" I smiled widely.

"Nice you see you again harry." he smiled pulling me into a hug. Liam and I spent the next couple hours talking about stuff and catching up.


The next morning I woke up confused as of how I got here. Till I saw a little note next to me.

Dropped you home since you fell asleep :)


My smile soon faded at the memory of last night. Who was the person? I could barley make out out the face that night. A list of names flooded my mind. It could of bin anyone.. slowly I walked down the stairs to see hazel colored hair sticking out from the couch. "Louis?" I whispered.

He yawned sitting up slowly. "Harry!" he yelled jumping I into my arms surprisingly. I gasped at his sudden movement but hugged back. "woah Louis calm down." I giggled.

"Sorry I just got scared when you didn't come back last night." he looked down shly. why would he be scared? I gave him a confused look but shrugged it off.

"So um what happened yesterday." i shuffled my feet nervously waiting for an answer.

I looked up to see Louis bitting his lip. I gently cupped his cheek in my hand forcing him to stare up at me. "what happened." I said a bit louder as I gained more confidence.

After about 3 minuted of an awkward silence Louis phone went off. "erm ok I'll be right there." he whispered into his phone. Quickly he rushed out the door mutter a quick bye. where has he bin going? I thought to myself. Then after a bit of thinking I decided to follow him. I quietly walked behind Louis keeping my distance so he would notice me. what a stalker I am. We've already bin walking for about five minutes till we pulled up Into some kind of alley. Why would Louis be going going here.

Two boys who looked familiar walked up to him. quickly I hid behind a wall so they wouldn't notice me. "Did you tell him?" one boy asked.

"N-no" Louis stuttered.

"You better not, hope you remember our deal." the other smirked at him. They whispered a couple words to Louis I couldn't comprehend. The two people then walked away leaving Louis alone. "What was that all about" I thought to myself.

Suddenly I slipped on some kind of paper falling to the floor. Quickly I hid back behind the wall griping my aching ankle. I wish I could just slap myself in the face for being so clumsy.

"Hello?" Louis called out nervously.

A couple seconds passed it felt like hours. louis finally walked out the alley heading to heck knows where. As soon as he left I groaned as I failed to stand. Why must I be so clumsy. because of me Louis could of saw I was following him!

As fast as possible I limped back to the house knowing that's where Louis could be headed next. I walked inside to see a pair of blue eyes meet my green ones. "hey" I whispered.

"Why are you limping?" he asked.

"I uh slipped." I quickly lied not wanting to tell him I was following him. He nodded slowly walking up the stairs to my room. I sighed as I slowly walked into the bathroom striping off my clothes. Turning on the shower making sure it was just right I hopped in feeling relaxed as my muscles tensed.

After about a 15 minutes I hopped out turning off the water. I opened the door as I wrapped a towel around my waist. I heard a gasp as I walked into my room. quickly I turned to see Louis in the corner of my room wide eyes and tear stain cheeks.

I rushed to his side not bothering to change or ask what's wrong. Quietly he cried into my bare chest. When he was done crying he looked up slowly blushing a deep red. I gave him a confused look but then relized I was still naked. chuckling at him I pulled on some boxers and pants not bothering to put on a shirt.

I turned around to see his eyes glued on my chest. "like what you see?" I smirked.

He blushed again looking down. I smiled as I walked up to him carrying him bridal style to the bed. I climbed in with him giving a quick peak on the cheek. The rest of the night we spent sharing kisses and joking around.


I woke up the next morning cuddled up to Louis. Not wanting to wake him I quietly moved him and got out of bed. I walked down the stairs soon getting an idea. I fried up some eggs and bacon wanting to surprise louis. placing the food on a plate and pouring some orange juice I smiled Feeling proud.

Soon Louis walked down the stairs looking at all the food. "Did you make this?" he asked.

I nodded letting him take a bite. his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "oh my god harry this is the best thing ever." he laughed with a mouth full of food.

He finished up his food and I washed the dishes ignoring his pleads for him to do it. "when are your parents getting back?" he asked.

"Uhh like in 3 more days.." I trailed off realizing we didn't have much more time to be together. His smile soon faded. I sighed hugging him.

"Don't worry Lou."



Ok so something happened and this whole chapter deleted. It was longer before but yea. Also sorry for any misspells. this chapter is kinda rushed. I feel this book really sucks but I'm updating because all the comments! :) sooo if you want more COMMENT AND LIKE! :*
Ily all so much don't forget comment and like for next chapter!!

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