Leave Wattpad?

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Hey, um guys, hello :3

By the title you might probably know what it is...

On a 50/50 scale, i want to leave wattpad


Jelsa didn't really make me happy like before, I used to get head over feels at them, but its not working anymore, Jackunzel is getting on my nerve and, well, I actaully BORED at reader Jelsa

The FFS? I left yesterday, I grew out of it, I didn't see any happiness on other chapters, before we would do crszy stuff, well those days were over

I cant even find myself anymore

I feel like i lost all my friends

And Father's Day is coming up, time for me to crawl bacl into my cage of darkness and become anti-social and maybe barely use my phone

I try to smile everyday, on my previous account i was loving my wattpad life, now I feel like I'm a shadow of another person

I came here to have friends

Well, guess those days are over

And to those who are now and was my friends, Stay awesome, especially you... My first ever best friend CreepyIsFran107

Welp, time to shut my eyes, i barely even have sleep, I've been staying up since yesterday and i got thsese BIG DARK circles below my eyes, I'm 11 TBH


(No lolz, its the first time I'm using my real name)

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