Rookie in Blue (A Rookie Blue story) (Sam Swarek story)

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In this story Andy McNally doesn't exist, instead in her place is Georgina Lundy my o/c other than her own no other characters... Thank you

~ Satan xx

Georgina's POV:

What's happening to me?? I'm handcuffed and put onto the bar of The Black Penny and the rest of the Rookies are next to me. There's: Dov Epstein, Chris Diaz, Gail Peck, Traci Nash and I Georgina Lundy, and we are the new rookies of 15th devision in Toronto Canada. Oliver Shaw had our ID cards in his hands and was reading out our names to the whole of the pub. 'How Embarrassing' I thought to myself as everyone was staring at us. Oliver being Oliver then came out and said we had to try and get out of the handcuffs any way we knew how. Unfortunately for me I have the balance of a marshmallow and when I tried to step through the cuffs I had to be caught. By another officer and as I couldn't use my hands I had to be steadied by him until I regained my balance. Still I managed to step through my cuffs and get my earring from my left ear and get the cuffs open before anyone else could even think about a way to do it.

Oliver looked at me with a small smile of gratitude and respect towards me before announcing. " Ladies and Gentleman!! We have our winner!! GEORGINA LUNDY!!!" Everyone cheered at me before Traci, Dov, Chris and I found a small table and bought a couple of rounds of different drinks.

By the end of the night I was having trouble standing alone. The worst thing about it is that after I leave this pub tonight I have no where to go. My family who were officers for 15 and they got killed and I had no money. I was on my own. I used the money I had left to try and secure a place in the academy which I'm ashamed to say and nobody knows this but I got in on scholarship. Not even Traci knows this. It's hard to contend with but I have no where to live. I live out on the streets, alone with no where to go. I showered in the academy where the only one who knew about my housing issue would give me shampoo and body wash so I could clean myself up but that would never hast for long because as soon as I'm out on those streets again. I mean nothing to anyone. Not even Frank Best. The only one who knew.

The next day I woke up from my alley and I collected my stuff from the floor around me and made my way to the station.

I entered the building a little later than I expected and I saw Frank and he gave me a box with my uniform in it as I couldn't afford one so he bought me one from his own money. For that I owe him a large debt, even if he doesn't know it yet.

Oliver Shaw's POV:

I was worried about officer Lundy. Ok? I was!! I admit it and I had good reason to as well because when you follow someone home to make sure they get there alright and you see where that person is living then that's what tweaks emotions in you. Sympathy. Anger. Pain. I can only imagine what she's feeling right about now, and that's why I have decided to help her.

I found Frank Best and asked him if Georgina could ride with me today and when he agreed I was surprised. I wasn't her training officer but she didn't really have one. Everyone picked their own rookies and she was the only one not to get picked so I guess she goes between officers. It's not good but until we can find her someone permanent who could take care of her then I would. Even if its by myself I would keep this girl safe. Everyone came into the briefing room and the partners got read out by Boyco. He then did his 'serve, protect' thingy and we were all on our way out.


Sorry it's short <3

Rookie in Blue (A Rookie Blue story) (Sam Swarek story)Where stories live. Discover now