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Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

Wonwoo sighed as he walk to his dorm. The others were already there. He stayed back at the practice room earlier to perfect his rapping lines for 'Pretty U'. Mingyu asked him if he need a company but Wonwoo declined cuz he knew the other members were tired with the dance practices today.

Seventeen will comeback next week. So everyone was stressed cuz they want everything to be perfect. Wonwoo was especially pressured cuz he was the first one to sing the song & he still can't do his part correctly. But today he's improving so he decides to go home early cuz he need enough sleep.

Knock knock. Knock knock.

He opened the door himself cuz no one answered when he knocked the door. He looked inside to see his fellow members are all knock down in the living room.

Apparently the members were watching a movie but all of them were too tired from the practice that they fall asleep during the movie. That's what Wonwoo assumed.

He looked at the television to see it shows transmission ends. So he closed  the television. He decided to wake the members up. He woke Mingyu first.

"Mingyu ah, ireona!~" He said softly. His throat is still sore from all the rap practices earlier.

Mingyu grunted but still asleep.

Wonwoo was so tired that he don't want to handle Mingyu's bullsh*t. So he kicked Mingyu. Mingyu fall from the sofa, finally awake.

"What was that for?" Mingyu pouted at his best friend.

"U deserve it cuz u won't wake up when I wake u up properly. Now let's wake up the rest."

The two woke the members one by one. In the end, the members are awake & walk to their bedroom to continue sleep.

"Can anyone please carry Woozi to his bed? I don't think it's a good idea to wake him up." Joshua said.

"I will carry him." Hoshi said sleepily.

That night, they slept soundly, not knowing something will happened tomorrow that will change their lives.


The next morning, Jeonghan & Joshua cooked breakfast while S.Coups & DK wakes the rest.

"Guys, wake up! We have a schedule this morning!" S.Coups shouted.

The members wake up one by one & prepare themselves then eat breakfast.

"What's our schedule today?" The8 asked.

"We only have to shoot the last scene of our MV then we are free the rest of the day." S.Coups said.

They then went to the shooting scene, that is a restaurant.

"So u guys know this is the last shoot, right?" The director asked.

Seventeen shouted 'yes!' happily.

"And u guys know what is the last scene, right?"


"Let's mess up this place!!" Vernon said excitedly while Seungkwan hollered.

"Ok, let's start shooting! I want u guys to have real fun & enjoy urself so that the scene looks real." The director said.

The Seventeen members standby at their position. When the director screamed action, they started to get crazy. They threw foods, squeeze the chilli & mustard sauce, etc. They really had fun.

"Seventeen, let's stick together forever!" S.Coups suddenly said.

"Let's not betray each other!" Jeonghan continued.

"We are brothers! Do not broke trusts!" Joshua said.

"Seventeen fighting!" All of them shouts altogether.

They finished after a few takes.

"Ahh~~ I'm so satisfied!" Woozi said.

"Yeah, that's a good way to release stress." Hoshi said.

The members went back to their dorm after finished their shooting.

"Seungkwan & I are going to Hongdae! Who wants to join us??" Vernon shouted.

"Me!" Mingyu, Wonwoo, Dino & DK shouted.

"I'll go to the church. Bye." Joshua said. As expected from the holy member.

The rest of the members stayed in the dorm, watching tv.

"Woozi, where are u going?" Jeonghan asks.

"Sleep." He said before went to his room.

"Geez he always sleep." S.Coups said.

"That's Woozi for ya." Hoshi shrugged.

"I start to think whether Woozi is trully Suga sunbaenim's son." Jun said.

"Yeah, u are right! The two really resemble each other. They are so hard working when composing songs." Hoshi said.

"Even their sleeping habits are the same!" S.Coups said.

The five members laughed loudly as they continue to say the same characteristics between Woozi & his 'father'.

"IF U GUYS WANT TO SAID THINGS ABOUT ME, I ADVISE U TO NOT TALKING LOUDLY CUZ I CAN HEAR U!" Woozi's voice bombard around the living room, making the members quitens.

"Uh-oh..." S.Coups said.


The members pale at Woozi's statement.

"No, Woozi please! Forgive me! I won't do that anymore! Please don't choke me!" Hoshi cried, more like begging in front of Woozi's bedroom door.



Vernon, Seungkwan, Mingyu, Wonwoo, DK & Dino were happily walk along the famous Hongdae street.

"Wah! It's been a long time since I eat street food!" Dino said excitedly.

"I will buy many clothes today!" Seungkwan said.

"I wanna go sight seeing!" Mingyu said.

So in the end, they went separately. Mingyu with Wonwoo, Seungkwan & Vernon, DK & Dino.

"Wow! There's a shop that has 50% discount for all their things! Vernon, let's go!" Seungkwan said, dragging an amused Vernon with him.

"Well, we are going to the Haneul Park." 

Mingyu enjoyed seeing the scenery while Wonwoo walked calmly beside him.

"Wow, Wonwoo look at that! It's so beautiful!" Mingyu said, pointing at a statue.

The silent Wonwoo just nodded. Mingyu then dragged him to buy ddeokbokki at the street.

"It's delicious! Right, Wonwoo?" Mingyu asked.


The two boys continued to walk along the park while eating the snack. That's when Wonwoo noticed a pale man running towards them. He pushed himself & Mingyu just in time before they collide with the pale man. The man still run away far from them.

"What was that?" Mingyu asked, still in shock.

"I don't know--" Wonwoo's reply was cut off by shouts.


They look at the source of the scream so many big guys in suits running around the park.

"What do u think what they are searching for?"

"Maybe that pale guy." Wonwoo replied back.

They looked at each other & shrug. The two continued to walk, ignoring the weird event earlier.



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