Here comes the warden ON HOLD

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I love writing!

Claire's p.o.v

"Warden! Immmmmmm thirstytyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

"Again my notch you guys need water. AGAIN?!? Yeesh."

The warden comes over and splashes me in the face with water. Ahhh refreshing unclean water. So here's something's about me.

1: I'm a squid hybrid and proud of it.

2:I'm in prison

3:I know something my warden doesn't

4:my warden is skydoesminecraft

Ya you'd think 'omg it's Sky! You must be so happy!' Well, no. You see I've been having flash backs to thing I've almost forgot from childhood. Like:


I was sitting on my bed watching the storm rage. Lightning flashed. My brother squirmed in his bed and started to cry. I walked over and looked into his derpy eyes and my mom would come in and sing until he calmed down. I finally said "good night, squiliam sky."

FlashBack Ovah!

Ya short chappie so what I wove cliffies 😍 lol see you cupcakes latah!

Ps eat a cupcake, don't do drugs, and throw a random party!

Here comes the warden ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now