Out of the blue

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Ok so I am having a slight obsession with jack lately so I'm writing a lot of stories about him :/ yeah sorry I know I'm a lamo :p .anyway lets get this show on the road!

Chapter 1

Mom no stop! I Scream as I run into the dilapidated warehouse after my mother. I freeze I know this place this is where it happened, this is where that awful man killed my mother and father. There he has in all his bloody and unholy glory. I tried to scream but like so many times before I found myself totally silent. Hahaha, go to sleep my friends! he cackled and then he brought the knife down into my mothers chest.

I sit straight up in bed clutching my stuffed dog spot. Tears stain my face I hate that dream I hate reliving that day so fucking much. Snuggling back under my covers I begin to feel my eyelids get heavy just as I start to drift off to sleep....

BANG!!! I spring out of bed grabbing the knife out from under my pillow. I quietly walk over to my bedroom door. I hear footsteps coming towards the stairs. Opening my closet I step in side pulling some of the cloths over to hide me.

First the intruders go to my mom and dads room or what used to be there room, then the spare room, now I hear them making there way back to my room.

Hurry up Jack! I know she is in here somewhere. I ready to defend myself if I have to.

What!? Do they actually mean me! They can't actually know that I'm here right? The door starts to creak open I can see 2 men enter my room. One of them has a white hoodie and black pants, and rather long black hair. The other man was wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, he had shorter brown hair but what seemed odd was he wore a dark blue mask.

Come on help me find this bitch! Said the man in the white he sounded so familiar I just can't think of how I remember his voice. That's when he said it, I wanna make her go to sleep. I knew exactly who the hell it was, he was the man who killed my parents, and now I had a knife, it was his turn to die.

Without hesitating I flew out of the closet wrapping my arm around the mans neck pulling him to the floor. Quickly I got on top of him and prepared to bring the knife down into his wind pipe when someone grabbed my wrist. I placed my hand firmly on the man in the whites throat and lifted my leg kicking backwards into the other mans stomach. This did nothing the man didn't even flinch he just picked me up off of the one in the white and sat me on the bed holding me tightly.

Finally the man in the black spoke , are you alright Jeff? He asked his voice was low and almost sexy if he wasn't a murder. Yeah I'm fine bro thanks for the help. Jeff replied getting off the floor and picking up his knife, now what to do with you he said pointing the tip of his blade at my nose.

You know Jeff, she seems rather interesting almost like she could be one of us. Jack said maybe we should bring her back home and see what Slendy says about her. That's not a bad idea Jack, alright let's get going it will be daylight soon a and we don't want people to see us.

Jack wraps his arm around my waist and begins to hoist me over his shoulder. I have done a lot of dumb things in my life but going with to murders to god only knows where is not something I want to add to that list. Pushing away from Jack I growl , I'm not going anywhere with you. He laughs then says yes you are my darling little Dawn I find you interesting I want to learn more about you. I stand there frozen in shock how did he know my name, before I had the time to ask he threw me over his shoulder and was following Jeff out the front door.

We had been walking for about 20 minutes now and I was getting tired of just staring down Jacks back. The curiosity was really getting to me and I was wondering if I should ask how they knew my name. On one hand I could learn something about my situation... On the other hand I was with 2 psychopaths who could kill me with a flick of there wrists. Hey Jack how did you know my name? I might as well ask I'm gonna die either way right? Jack stopped then continued walking , because I stopped Jeff from killing you the first time to. He replied in a low, and grave tone.

Oh. Was all I could say I didn't want to know anymore, I didn't want to hear about that horrible day. 10 more minutes of silent walking then I heard Jeff say , Ahhh home sweet home. Jack slid me off his shoulder I started to move away from him but he grabbed me around the waist and brought his lips close to my ear, do not leave my side got it! They are not afraid to kill you, in fact they would enjoy it all to much. His tone was very serious I nodded letting him know that I understood and with that he led me into the house of hell.

Ok I will admit the house was pretty freaking cool on the inside. It was like and old rustic cabin with the big sodden beams on the ceiling and trophies on the wall. I looked at one of the trophies mounted on the wall and at first I didn't understand why it had no antlers or anything, that's when I realized it was a human skull. The shines gold plaque underneath the skull read " Jeff, 1st victim ". I felt hot breath in my ear and twisted my head to see Jeff leaning in close to me he smiled and said " admiring my work , I mounted that my know." I snorted at his gloating tone," that's nice , tell me jeff do you always stroke your ego like this." Jeff growled , dumb bitch. Jack chuckling at my remark to Jeff abruptly stopped when he heard " the others". Coming down the hall. This was it I was about to either die painfully or become part of Camp Crazy... I hope I die.

Out of the blue (on hold sorry ran out of ideas)Where stories live. Discover now