Welcome to the Hell House

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Chapter 2

I stood there ready to die in what would most likely be a very painful event. When I felt a strong arm reach across my waist and nudge me slightly behind there back. I looked up to see Jack, why was he protecting me? Suddenly I heard a deep voice echo throughout the room," Jack who is this human and why is she not dead?" Jack bowed his head slightly and turned towards a tall thin man who seemed to be white as a ghost. "Please forgive me tall man, but I believe this woman is one of us." The man leaned down to peer at me that's when I realized this man had no face! I looked directly at the blank face unflinching, I think it was more that I was shocked by the fact that I was standing directly in front of slender man himself. "Haha! Well she does seem very different than other humans doesn't she!" He laughed loudly and he seemed almost kind. "I suppose you may be right Jack she can stay here until we are sure though." The slender man opened his arms gesturing to the whole house," we open our home to you miss..." He trailed off not knowing my name. "My name is Dawn sir, Dawn Franck I smiled stepping out from behind Jack." Jeff who had stayed silent throughout the whole endeavor finally spoke. "Are you serious Slendy! We don't even know if jack is right and you still are going to let her stay!" He seemed really pissed off I was about to say that I could just stay somewhere else but things started to escalate quickly from there. First Jeff turned towards me and snarled viciously then in one swift motion he pulled his knife from his hoodie and lunged at me. I don't know how or why I knew what to do but as his knife sped its way to my neck I grasped his arm and ducked beneath his body kicking him in the gut in the way down. I stood up and looked down at Jeff's shocked face, "don't ever fuck with me again" I spat. I walked over to slender man leaving Jeff writhing in pain on the hardwood floor. "I'm impressed by your skill miss Dawn", slender man said. "Haha, why thank you sir I would have finished him but you have been so kind offering me your home to stay in I wouldn't want to make a mess for you." What the hell is wrong with me why am I saying all this! I would never ever kill someone! But that fight with Jeff.... I felt so... alive. I never felt that good before I wanted him dead maybe it was for all the pain he caused me killing my parents. he took them away from me, was that why I wanted him dead so badly? No. No it was way more than that. I wanted that asshole to suffer I wanted every once of his blood to pour out of his body, I wanted to see the light fade from his eyes. And why? Because I thought it would be fun. I'm a monster, a sick twisted monster

I belong here. Slender man tapped my shoulder with a bony finger. "Miss Dawn I welcome you to our humble home please make yourself comfortable." I smiled and nodded my head. Yes. I know now that this is where I belong,in the house of hell.

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