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Marco's POV

I can't believe it... He.., I'm... Kissing a guy?
Not that there's anything wrong with it... It's just.. I don't think I'm gay...

"I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have... I'm sorry" Jean stuttered. I shook my head.
"I-it's not your fault..." I said.

"But it is! I'm not gay! I can't go kissing a guy!" He yelled, pushing my hands from his.
I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Was this the feeling you get when you're heart broken?

"Kissing a guy doesn't make you gay... Why are you getting so worked up?" I asked.
"Because like I said, I'm not gay and I never will be! Especially for someone I just met!" He yelled.
"But you were the one who kissed me! How does it make it my fault?!" I yelled back.
Jean stumbled a little at the thought of me yelling.
"I-I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to yell... I just have a lot going through my mind." Jean spoke, sitting back down on the sofa.
"You think you do... I've just been yelled at by my first friend for liking him too..." I sighed looking down at my feet.
"I-I'm going to go to bed..." He said, getting up and hugging me slightly. I felt a few tears trail down my cheeks. I tried my best not to show.

Why did I always meet the best people, and then ruin it by doing something stupid?
I guess that's just who I am.

I walked slowly into the dorm room. Jean didn't bother to look at me. He just slept.
I sighed, turning off my bedside lamp and got into bed.

I hope things will get better.

I woke up, light was streaming through the blinds. I look over to Jean's bed. He want there. Perhaps he was getting some food.
I walked into the living room. A few people were in there because we all shared one, but had separate dorm rooms.

"Hey! You're Marco right?" A shaved head boy jumped at me. I nodded my head.
I looked around the kitchen for Jean.
I noticed a girl stuffing her face with things from the fridge. Explains why there was nothing to eat last night.

Jean was sat at the table with a cup of coffee. I walked over to him and sat down.

"Here, I got you a coffee..." He said, grabbing a mug from the side.
I took it from his hands.

I took a sip, burning my tongue slightly.
Placing the cup down, I sighed.
"Sorry about last night." Jean sighed.
I shook my head.
"Don't be..." I said.
I took another sip of my coffee.
"I mean what I said last night... I really do like you, but I don't think I'm ready..." Jean sighed.

I placed my hand on his.

"It's okay... I'm not ready either" I smiled.
He smiled back.

I chuckled a little.

"You can be my 'ish' boyfriend, his does that sound?" He smiled. He looked like he was going to cry.
I got up out of my chair, walked over to his and hugged him.
"I'd like that..." I sighed, as he cried Into my shoulder.

"Aww... Looks like Jean finally fell in love..." I heard a whisper. I smiled. The person didn't say it in a sarcastic way either...
Jean nodded his head. Slowly. Tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

All of a sudden we were pulled into a group hug by all the people from our dorm.
Half of the people I hadn't met yet, but I still hugged back.

Once the hug broke apart, they began to introduce themselves.
They had a hand on their hearts and one behind their backs. Must've been some sort of salut.

"Mph... Sasha!" The girl with food in her mouth yelled.
"Connie!" The shaved head boy yelled.
"Rico!" An ash headed girl yelled.
"B-Berthold.." An extremely tall boy stuttered.
"Eren!" A very eager boy smiled.
"Annie..." The small blond sighed. She didn't look very bothered.
"Petra!" The red head smiled. She looked the most cheerful.
"A-Armin..." A smaller blond boy stuttered. His eyes were like the ocean.

I realised everyone had introduced them selves except me.
I attempted to do the salut but ended up having Jean help me.
"Marco" I smiled.
Jean grabbed ahold of my hand, smiling.
Everyone smiled and set about what they were doing. Sasha went back to raiding the cupboard. Petra went back to painting. Rico was building something. Annie slouched in the corner, whilst Berthold watched her and blushed. Connie and Eren were play fighting, whilst me and Jean just sat and talked for a while.

I got a little tired, and lessons didn't start until next week, so I decided to take a nap.

Marco's dream

I stood stranded alone in a tall woods. I could hear loud thumps that were footsteps of the Titans nearby. I shot a flare up into the sky. It's coloured smoke revealing where I was. I just hoped to god that I wasn't alone. I heard a yell coming from in the distance. A small blond boy begging for me to come and help him.
He was holding someone right in his arm, the other holding his blade towards a Titan.
I ran over and grabbed the boy from his arms, letting the blond boy fight off the Titan. I placed the boy down in a nearby tree, checking for any broken bones. Luckily he had none. Just a few bumps and bruises. The boy began to wake up. I moved a strand of ash hair from his face. He was truly stunning.
He asked me where we were and what had happened to his blond buddy. I told him everything. He looked so scared. "Marco... Wake up."

I woke up with a jump. That was one of the weirdest dreams I'd ever had. Jean was standing next to my bed. He looked terrified.

"Marco? Are you okay? You had a bad dream..." He said. His hair was wet with sweat. So was mine. Maybe we had the same dream?!

Then it hit me.
The ash boy in my dreams was jean! And the blond boy... He looked like Armin!

"Y-yeah... Just a bad dream..." I sighed.
I got up. I walked towards the kitchen.
First though, I put some sweatpants on.
Sasha was sat in front of the tv eating... I don't even know what she was eating.
But that's the thing. She was eating. She's always eating.

Jean walked slowly behind me. He placed his hand in mine as we sat next to Sasha.
Connie and the rest all came and sat next to us.

"D-did you all have a bad dream?" Armin stuttered, he was the last one to come out of his room.
Everyone replied with a yes.
Could we all of had the same one?

"What was yours about?" Jean asked the others. All their dreams sounded similar to mine. Only... Different...

And there's the second!
I want to thank this person for being awesome! They are;

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