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Jack paced back and forth in Drapper's small room until Drapper was about to grab him and toss him out by his no longer pointy ears "will you sit down!, your making me dizzy with all your pacing and mutterings, he will be here when he gets here." "Marluxion!! of all the dragons to have to show up, why him, why couldn't it have been some other dragon? why Marluxion, the most ancient of them all." "He will blast us all, we'll be charred embers, one glare of his silver eyeballs can make an elf wither and never recover" moaned Jack, covering his most precious parts. "Worried about something? Trink" rumbled a deep voice, Jack whirled around and almost fell down, "I would like to meet the two of you out in the gardens" echoed the voice. Jack ran out of the room dragging Drapper with him heading to the gardens "see what did I tell you, we are gunna be daisy's." Drapper knew about the old dragon and his reputation, Marluxion believed in justice, which he dealt out swiftly and could at times be a terrifying sight when angered, legend had it that Marluxion was the most powerful of all the dragons, his command of magic could not be matched, Virlane had been his pupil for hundreds of years. They said one day Virlane would be as powerful, if not more powerful then the ancient one.

He sat patiently waiting in the garden, two choices, dragon or man, it always came down to two choices, good or bad, right or wrong, walk away or stay. Many tried to take the middle road of never making a choice, but ultimately life made the choice for them, whether they realized it or not. Marluxion watched Trink running into the garden, Drapper close behind Trink had always been an amusing elf, even more so as a human, one day many years from now he would have to remind Trink about the hay stuck in his beard. Trink stood before the dragon and smiled his most winning smile, "You can try that smile another time, Trink lets discuss the matter at hand, then I shall speak to Virlane" The ancient dragon listened to the two recount what had been happening, what they said, what they didn't say, he glanced several times at the tower. He questioned the two closely, asking quick questions, not giving them time to think over their answers, he wanted to hear first reactions not, muddled over conjecture. Marluxion asked Drapper many questions about MiLady, her people and about the Count her Uncle, finally as the men finished speaking, Marluxion stood up, "I will go and speak to Virlane, does the Lady's maid sleep in her chambers?" After finding out that Mary slept elsewhere and about Mathew guarding the door, he seemed satisfied with what he had heard. Turning to Trink, Marluxion looked at him, Trink shook in his boots, muttering to himself that he was to old to put up with all this nonsense, he was an old respected elf! Well not that old he corrected himself. "You have done well, Trink, you have stood with Virlane, even when you were afraid that he was making a mistake, you show your love and concern with every word. A dragon could not ask for a better friend" then he turned to Drapper and spoke once again "many years the forest people, have trusted you, you have never failed in that trust. The day will come when you will be given that which you most desire, you have earned it, the dragons and forest people thank you." Then he was gone, the two men stared at each other. Trink grinned like a silly loon and clapped Drapper on the back "see that wasn't so bad" a voice spoke "Oh and Trink, we will talk again later, I have a few chores, for you" Trink groaned "here we go again." A laughing Drapper and a muttering Trink returned to the stables, wondering what would happen next.

Marluxion stood next to the bed looking at the sleeping woman. He listened to her dreams and nodded satisfied, then held a paw over her and ran it above her body from head to toe, paying close attention to her womb. He frowned and made a decision, he left the child to grow within her, it maybe the only thing she would be left with when all was said and done. Making another decision, Marluxion gave her a new dream, one of fairies, elves, unicorns and gnomes and a specific dragon. The dream told her of the dragons life, his achievements, his kindness' and his cruelties. He left the room, now for Virlane, this was not going to be easy, but it had to be done.

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